Spell Diabetes!

Death to Diabetes, but never to me
Insulin is a great white shark Inside a tank of goldfish
Always vigilant, but it never obeys Anyway
Blood required, never Blissful offering it
Eat what you want, but pay the price for it as Eagerly
Testing with our little white Ticks
Eager for knowledge, Exhausted of hope
Spirit defined by Sweet numbers

What you had in mind?

Good one, Danny!

Diabetes? It’s
Annoying to deal with each day,
Eric’s welfare is
Too precious for me to

awareness and
eventually to


Wow, well thought out. I like it!

Very cleaver and just a bit pessimistic. I know it is all frustrating, and a huge chore, but life first. I try not to let it run my life completely (even though I know it does). Some days I feel great so I don’t test thinking my BG is right on cause I feel great. Then I test and it is 220, LOL. Oh well. I felt great today LOL.

D- Death sentence, NO
I- Individual results and processes to control
A- Aim to feel good, Always
B- Beat the Diabetes Blues
E- Evidence that there IS quality of life with Diabetes
T- Time, better control means more time with family and friends
E- Every day is a gift
S- See, if I can be happy, you can too.


Doctor’s visits

Dont eat the Cheetos!


Information, need to have more of it!

Allowing myself to be human

Always knew I was the black sheep in the family!

Being prepared

Blessed that I have something that is not new!

Endurance~ pushing myself to do better or keep it up

Eating the Cheetos...

Testing, testing and more testing

Tacos are still on the good list, yes!

Evil exercising

Evil exercising....its still evil

Sugar free foods that are just as good

Saving the good candy for a low

Driving force to live a better life
Independence from relying on others to help me manage diabetes
A1c as low as possible
Being careful of highs/lows
Eating properly the right foods at the right time
Testing, testing, testing
Exercising and being active
Searching and learning more about Diabetes management/ Seeing my doctor and nutritionist on the regular basis.

Different then people I know
Always worried
Be careful
Everyday its there
Taking meds
Extremely hard for me
Stay positive