I’m thinking of getting a spibelt for my pump and was wanting to hear from people who do use one. Do you like it? do you use it other then when you are being extra active? Thanks
I JUST got one and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!
I haven’t tried it on a real run yet, but when I tested it out, it seems great. It stays close to the body and doesn’t bounce at all. I have a special sport pack for my pump, but I like the Spibelt much better. It is flexible so I think that I could also fit some glucose tabs in there, etc. I highly recommend it!
Thanks I think I’ll probably get one
It’s a fantastic product. I bought one at the Long Beach Marathon two years ago and since have bought two more and one for my wife and others for gifts.
I don’t use it for my pump (although I clip the pump to it) I use it to carry my meter and my glucose tabs when I’m running.
It’s light, versatile and carries a surprising amount of stuff and NO I don’t work for them - but I should.
Absolutely get one.
Thanks terry
I just ordered mine. What a great looking product.
Yes, I really like mine - I use it mainly for swimming and biking. I feel that it keeps my pump way more secure than just using a clip (I don't want to see my pump flying off when I am biking!). I keep think I should use it for yoga too as it may be easier to move the pump around when I am bending and stretching, but I keep forgetting to bring it with me to classes.
i use mine on all runs and take my monitor and glucose tbs/beans in there. They are awesome they dont move
I love mine. I wear it running, but my son wears his all the time. I would highly recommend one.
I love my spibelt, but I love my belt from tallygear as well if not better. Do check them out too. Mine has 3 pockets, one with a clear front so you can see your pump/cgm without taking it out. She'll custom make any configuration you want.