
So my softball season ened yesterday, Im kind of happy actually. :slight_smile: Our team wasnt all that good and the coaches werent the best. Overall it just wasnt as much fun as it used to be.
I dont think ive ever had any real problems with diabetes and sports. Ive played Softball, Cross Country, and Track since being diagnosed. During XC what i would do is eat, and not cover for 45 carbs of my meal. For track and softball i had my pump, and the only time in track i had been low during a meet was right before the 1800m and i caught it in the high 60’s. I didnt run for that event, but i ran for my 800m.
And with my pump and softball, i usually kept it on, because for some reason i dont like taking off my pump unless i have to.
Sometimes my pump would fall off the huge waistband of my softball pants, and it would just flop off, depending on were i had it. So yesterday, I was up to bat, and my teammates (who always witnessed me screaming “AHH!” when my pump fell and tugged on my site) asked me if i should have my pump on while i was batting, and i told them i would be careful. So i struck out, but after i swung, my pump fell off as usual, and actually ripped out my infusion site. I laughed it off with a CRAP!
I have lots of funny storys with my pump, for some reason. xD


Hey! Carly, Best of luck in your softball games. I have a suggestion. When I went to a wedding a couple weeks ago. My Mom took a pair of my boxers and made pockets in both sides so i could were a dress. Maybe you could do this so you could wear under your uniform. Also another suggestion would be when you have games like ido. When first do site change i leave other in to make sure its working. Well Take of yourself. diabeticidol94

Hi Carly!

I use this sport pak when I exercise. I keep the pump right on my lower back (so I have this pack around my waist). I like it and it really holds it in place!