Starting a new life with my pump!

I have been waiting for this day since mid November when I told my Endo that I wanted to switch to the pump. I do not know how many or how few of us are tired of injecting insulin and sometimes just give up. My family is very supportive and they are my stone, but there are times that I want to say forget everything I quit. If it wasn't for my son and family I would have never researched and gone through all the emotions of switching to the pump. At first I thought that the pump was going to ruin my life. No more travelling and no more dresses. Oh how wrong I was! Yet, there is a part of me that I think that I am going to change with the pump. Tomorrow I am finally getting my pump classes and finally I am going to wear the pump. I sometimes feel petty knowing that Thank God, I was quickly approved for the pump and the supplies. Why am I so scared? I just simple do not know.

I was apprehensive too but it made my life a lot easier and more fun! I hope you enjoy yours as much as I've enjoyed mine!

Hi, I was really apprehensive as well, and now I have had my pump just over 2 months, Have way more good days than bad, and would not part with it. I feel better, I look better, and have way more engery.

Didi just a note here I was scared of al that too but I got over that and have now been pumping for 23 years. I LOVE MY PUMP!!! U will love urs too!

Thanks!! Hopefully I will..

Thanks!! Hopefully I will gain more energy too. I have lost a lot of weight and I want to lose it because I am exercising and doing a diet not because my diabetes is out of whack. Lets see how it goes.. :)

Thanks Doris! The reason that I decided to switch to a pump was because of someone like you that had the pump for a lot of years and she loved hers. I need to start thinking more positive and I know that I will love my pump eventually.. :)

Didi, you might not love it right away - there IS a learning curve, but you'd have to knock me out to take mine away, it's life-changing. You'll figure out how to wear whatever you want. The 'thigh thing' pouch is great for dresses/skirts, so is the front/side of your bra.

I think fear of the unknown is legitimate, and it will dissipate once you've had your pump for a while and have figured out basals, ratios, bells & whistles.

Congrats! What pump are you getting?

Thanks! I got the animas one touch ping. I just came back from the animas educator and I am wearing the pump right now. Well right now I am just in saline until I get used to it and the endo figures out my rates. It was not bad at all. Fear sometimes consume us. Do you wear a pump?

I have a pink Ping. I also did saline for a week and hated it at the time, but it was a good thing!

Good luck to you, and it is very normal to be apprehensive. It is a totally different ballgame with a pump.

That being said, today marks one week that I have been pumping. Maybe I am having beginner's luck, but I ♥♥♥ my pump!!! WOW! I know there will be times when I am not so happy with it but so far so good. I wish I would have switched from injections years ago.

Once piece of advice I would give is to educate yourself. Learn all you can about using the pump, that is going to boost your confidence once you are wearing the thing, and you CDE will be happy too!

Best of luck to you.

Congrats to you too Sandy! Nice, isn't it? :)