Staying cold

Has anyone else experienced staying cold all the time with your diabetes? I’ve had my thyroid checked and it’s ok. I’m also not anemic. Funny thing is, all day I freeze but at night while sleeping I’m burning up. Just wondering maybe if it’s the diabetes or if I need to press doc for more tests. Thanks!

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I am almost always cold. I think it is a circulation thing, not my numbers. My wife is always hot. We avoid arguments by my wearing long johns almost all the time.

Good luck.

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Yes, I think circulation, but even though you look very young, check into hormone fluctuations—menopause is definitely not the only cause of such things.

Diabetes impacts every cell in our bodies, so, yes to circulation. But hormone fluctuations also have an equally broad scope of impact…Mine were once impacted by a spider bite on my heel that caused a systemic reaction including dangerously high fever and loss of control of bodily functions and non-stop bleeding that led to a hysterectomy. I was a lot older than you, but had not yet hit any kind of formal menopause.

So consider hormones…Adapt and bundle up. Layers are an excellent “style tip!”…

Blessings to you, sweetie. Keep experimenting…


I am with Robert17. I am always colder than my wife. She needs a fan running almost constantly. I just dress accordingly.

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I am also cold much of the time. I’m now sure how much is due to the diabetes and how much is due to age. From my personal perspective it’s one of those things to which the answer really doesn’t make any difference. I have to cope regardless.

I did ask the doc about Reynaud’s and he said my symptoms really aren’t a strong match.