Sticking to the Science

Recently a post mentioned some concerns about incoming political changes, about beliefs and messaging. Although I sympathize with those concerns, in the near term, if we start or respond to a thread that comes from the political realm, we need to tread a fine line. During the pandemic, we needed to talk to the sciences and facts, and I imagine this will be no different.

If we post to warn others of dangerous and unhealthy messages about public health, we should stick to the science.


I agree that we should follow the science and not dwell on a politician who may or may not have some views we agree with. The topic in question related to chronic diseases, and I think that we can all scientifically agree that SAD is not in the best interest of our population, and especially toxic to diabetics.

We have known this for the past several administrations and have not done anything to rectify it. Any politician, regardless of how weird some of their positions may be, or how much we like or hate them, who wants to follow the science and fix our SAD should be welcome to tackle that project.

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I believe asking others to petition or contact the government regarding issues, or to take action in other way, falls within the community guidelines.

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To my way of thinking @Judith_in_Portland gets a wide swing of deference here. For one Judith is a founder, and second, she said nothing that many of us are not thinking and fearing.

Is it important to allow others to disagree? Yes it is. We cannot be upset all of time because we have difficult topics of disagreement. I almost always suggest that these things will die out given enough time. My suggestion to all is that instead of stopping discussion, we should stop multiple posts in politically sensitive areas.

The trouble is rarely the statement (judith has a point) and those who disagree have a point. Where things get out of control is when the discussion get to be point, counterpoint.

One way to do this is to stop comment after the second comment by the same person. Just an idea.


PS: @Judith_in_Portland is a great longtime contributor please treat her like that. she did nothing wrong that i can see.


What is SAD?

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Thank you, Dearheart…One addendum I thought of as I was getting ready for bed…A truly wondrous part of being a TuD Ambassador was organizing actual meet-ups in person. Making actual face-to-face connections, several of which we have worked to maintain through the years—comforting and so supportive—one sweetheart came to the memorial gathering in my home after my little sister died. Just such a time when one could use a tender reminder with a finger pointed at the clock as attention to diabetic meds might be required!..BTW–it would seem to run in the family–she was very active in creating loving space in the universe for Gay and Lesbian folk–LOL!..As ever…Judith


(SAD) is The Standard American Diet

This post was so controversial that it has been censored? No one else in the Tu Diabetes community is permitted to read it? This is the United States of America. Please explain.

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Acronyms should always be written in full in the first mention unless something universally understood like NASA, NATO, USA, UK.
Here’s a list of SAD acronyms:

SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder
SAD Sex, Alcohol, Drugs
SAD Social Anxiety Disorder
SAD Seek and Destroy
SAD Sjedinjenih Americkih DrĹľava (Bosnian: United States of America)
SAD Sons and Daughters (band)
SAD Supply And Demand
SAD Seaford (Amtrak station code; Seaford, DE)
SAD Single Administrative Document
SAD Structural Analysis and Design (engineering; various schools)
SAD Separation Anxiety Disorder
SAD Search and Destroy
SAD South Atlantic Division (USACE)
SAD Stand and Deliver
SAD Standard American Diet
SAD Social Affairs Department (various organizations)
SAD Special Activities Division (US CIA)
SAD Stay Another Day
SAD Schizoaffective Disorder
SAD Shiromani Akali Dal (India)
SAD Security Association Database (computer security, information assurance)
SAD System Architecture Diagram (computer architecture)
SAD Swiss Academy for Development (foundation; Biel, Switzerland)
SAD Species Abundance Distribution
SAD Sudden Aspen Decline (forestry; Colorado)
SAD Security Association Database
SAD Security Administration
SAD Service Administrative Driver
SAD Stand Alone Device
SAD Software Architectural Design
SAD System Analysis and Design
SAD Sum of Absolute Differences
SAD State Active Duty (National Guard)
SAD Slovenská Autobusová Doprava
SAD Selected Area Diffraction
SAD Sociedad AnĂłnima Deportiva
SAD School of Architecture and Design
SAD Subacromial Decompression
SAD Southern Area District (US FEMA)
SAD Statutory Audit Directive
SAD Sierra Army Depot
SAD Sorry About Dresden (band)
SAD Single Awareness Day (slang for Valentine’s Day)
SAD Seizure-Alert Dog
SAD Scotland Against Drugs (UK)
SAD Solar Array Drive
SAD Safety Assessment Document
SAD Silicon Avalanche Diodes
SAD Supplementary Access Device (special pass)
SAD Software Architecture Description
SAD Sistema de AdquisiciĂłn de Datos (Spanish: Data Acquisition Systems)
SAD Salon des Artistes DĂ©corateurs (French art group)
SAD Source Axis Distance
SAD Stanford Athletic Department (Stanford University)
SAD Sistema Acquisizione Dati (Italian: Data Acquisition System)
SAD Sullen, Angry, Depressed
SAD Small Area Data
SAD Summary of Aggregated Deficiencies (audit)
SAD System Architecture Document
SAD Serial Analog Delay
SAD Stand Alone Dump
SAD Safety Analysis Document
SAD System Activity Display (IBM)
SAD Speech Activity Detector
SAD Small Angle Diffraction
SAD Security Association Data
SAD Senior Air Director
SAD Sjedinjene Amerièke Države (Croatian: United States of America)
SAD Safety & Arming Device
SAD Software Assembly Descriptor
SAD Splitter-And-Delivery (network architecture)
SAD Seniors Against Discrimination
SAD Summary of Audit Differences
SAD Single, Available, and Desperate
SAD Southern African AIDS Trust
SAD Situation Awareness Display
SAD System Allocation Document
SAD System Analyst Designer
SAD Stock Assessment Driven (fisheries)
SAD Scan Axis Directionality
SAD System Administrator/Administration
SAD system application design
SAD Self-Aware Data
SAD Station Address Directory
SAD Safety Analysis Diagram
SAD Static Airbag Deployment
SAD Solution Architecture Document
SAD Service Application Description
SAD Station Arrival Date
SAD Safety Assurance Diagram
SAD Staging Area Director
SAD Students Against Destruction
SAD Square Air Diffuser
SAD Special Artificer, Special Synthetic Training Devices (US Navy)
SAD Special Assignment Division
SAD Special Asset Department
SAD Submarine Anomaly Detection
SAD Site Adaption Data (FAA ARTCC configuration of site resources)
SAD Special Activities Directorate
SAD Standard Auto Discount (insurance)
SAD Status Advisory Display
SAD Shock Advisory Defibrillation (medical treatment)
SAD Symptomatic Abdominal Distension
SAD Support Air Direction
SAD Supplementary Alteration Drawing
SAD Systems Architectural Directorate
SAD Structured ASCI Design
SAD System Appreciation Document

Gack! That’s a long list.


My Mom worked at NASA in its early days. She created a notebook of governmental acronyms that was in high demand.


The English format I learned when I was younger, was to write it out and follow it with the acronym in parentheses, so then further along it is then okay to just use the acronym, like so:

The Standard American Diet (SAD), also known as the Western diet, is a dietary pattern that’s high in processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and added sugars, and low in fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods.

Some common foods in the SAD include:

  • Processed foods
  • Fast foods
  • Red meat
  • Processed meats
  • Sugar-laden baked goods
  • Refined grains
  • Sugar-sweetened drinks
  • Dairy

The SAD is linked to health conditions such as: obesity, heart disease, stroke, and cardiovascular disease.

The SAD has changed significantly since the 1950s, with more calorie-dense and nutrient-poor food and beverage choices becoming more available. Americans also consume more sodium than recommended, with an average of 3,400 mg per day.

The USDA’s MyPlate guidelines recommend:

  • Half of your plate should be fruits and vegetables
  • A quarter of your plate should be whole grains
  • A quarter of your plate should be lean protein
  • Low-fat dairy on the side, recommended at two cups per day
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@JamesIgoe wrote:

The English format I learned when I was younger, was to write it out and follow it with the acronym is parentheses, so then further along it is then okay to just use the acronym

Good writing always is considerate of the reader. Defining acronyms just takes a few keystrokes and saves many the necessity of popping out to another browser window and doing a google or an Artificial Intelligence (AI) search. Many readers simply abandon the effort and the writer’s effort to communicate is lost.

Plus, as @Luis3 has shown, some acronyms, like SAD, have many definitions. I have, however, gotten pretty good at sleuthing out these small mysteries often hidden in many online posts!


Yes, it was one of my early lessons in professional life. Even within one company you can have one acronym with different meanings.

