Stress & Depression

Its been one of those days. I just feel ready to throw in the towel. Lots of emotional issues and I’m not coping well.

Oh Joanne, Im so sorry things to hear that. Storm may come but sunshine never fades if you only just believe it. When things go all so wrong with me…I just think of the beauty still left around me, somehow it makes me a little bit happy :slight_smile: hug. hug, hug

Joanne, Sending you a BIG hug!

Hang in there Joanne. I’m not doing so great past few days as well - just plodding along - it really sucks doesn’t it? Scream!!! Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all take off somewhere that life is perfect even if for a few hours? In my dreams I expect.

Every day is a new day and you start out with a clean slate. Take care.

Hang in there sweetie....and stay connected with us!