Suggestions for diabetes camp

Hi everyone, I’m considering sending my 11 year old away to a diabetes camp this summer. She’s never been away from home. First of all I’d like to know what camps you guys recommend and maybe share some stories of your own. Thanks!

Lovenny - I’m new to this site (just joined yesterday) and am still poking around… found your post and advise you to definitely consider sending your daughter to camp this summer! My daughter is 15 (almost 16), diagnosed at age 6, and has gone to summer diabetes camp for 7 years now – she would tell you it’s the BEST experience EVER :slight_smile:
We live in Georgia, so she goes to Camp Kudzu but has also gone to Camp Winona (near Deland) and the FCCYD Sports Camp (same spot), as well as Camp Seale Harris in Alabama (where she hopes to be a counselor-in-training this summer). Some camps will also allow non-diabetic siblings to attend :slight_smile:
Best of luck!

Thank you so much for your response Lynn : ) I’m going to check out some of the one’s you named. Thanks again.

Hi! Just joined a few minutes ago, stumbled on this site.
My daughter was diagnosed April of 06, she was still 6 at the time. She went to a day camp that year and last year sponsored by the American Diabetes Association. Called Camp Midicha. We’re in Michigan and we went to one here, not sure where else they offer it, but they have over night camp for kids over 9 and several go each year. Nurses, doctors, and trained staff are there all night and they check BG in the middle of the night. It was a great opportunity. Tons of activities and fun stuff to do.

  • Tana

We’ve gone to family camp for the last 3 years and we love it. We are in California and go to Camp Conrad Chinook. It’s put on by Diabetic Youth Services. It’s a sleepover camp and family camp lasts for four nights. You can also send your child alone to camp, but my daughter hasn’t wanted to do that yet. She’s 10. Our local ADA has a day camp as well. I’d suggest you check out They have a list of camps that you can check out in your area.

I do suggest it strongly. It’s so nice to be in a setting where everyone is testing and bolusing or doing shots. Where everyone knows what it’s like to feel low or high. You are normal there. Can’t recommend it enough.

Have fun!

Lovenny - My daughter was diagnosed in 1989 at age 2, and went to camp for the first time at 11. We were both extremely anxious. I couldn’t relax the whole time she was gone. When we went to pick her up on the final day, she was standing with her group with a whole new attitude and confidence. It was a different kid. She knew, and I knew, that one day she would become independent. It was a big shift. I will say that not all camps are great. Shop around, but do make sure they have well-trained and adequately staffed medical personnel. Not just med/nursing students. We stayed close to the phone that week, but make sure to take some time to pamper yourself, too. It was the first time in 9 years that I didn’t have to do a blood test or think about setting my alarm for a 3 am reading!

Good luck!

I understand that camp can be a great experience for lots of kids, but I advise letting your daughter call the shots. My son was 14 when he was diagnosed, and I really wanted him to go to camp (four months later). He was a good sport and gave it a try, but he felt like a fish out of water the whole time. All the other kids had been diagnosed much younger and had been going to camp for years. They all knew each other and the routines. My son is normally an outgoing kid, but he was the only “new kid” out of literally dozens of teenagers, and he was miserable. Don’t get me wrong – it’s a great camp – but everyone’s experience is different.

Hi Lynn,
I was looking into Camp Kudzu for next summer (we’ll be moving to GA after this school year) for my son and I was wondering if it’s as difficult as it seems to get a spot? I really would love to be able to send him to camp since the ones they offer up here in MD didn’t work with dates this year.

My daughter Nikki was diagnosed at 10 and went to camp for the first time at 15. SHE HAD A BLAST! It was Camp Chinok in the San Bernardino mountains. FANTASTIC.

My seven year old was diagnosed at 3 1/2 and we just moved from CO to OR. In CO we couldn’t attend a camp because she was too young, but in OR we were able to get into a Newcomers session. It was only two nights, and my daughter was really hesitant, but it all worked much better than I ever hoped!
There were midnight glucose checks, carefully measured meals, good counselor to kid ratio.
I will definitely try getting into a full week session next Summer, if I can. They do fill up really fast.

My 12 year old son just went to his first camp here in Little Rock Arkansas and it was Awesome!! The Med. staff was his Endo. from Childrens Hospital and all the DE., Nutrionalist ,nurses etc were all the ones from the Hospital when he was Dx’ed. There is a one to one Ratio of counselors. and the faciluity was state of the art!! it was the best…its called Camp Aldersgate. My son had the best time EVER!! He even got to go scuba diving! And cant wait til next year!