Swimming with the Ping

Hi, I’m starting on the Ping this week and love to swim. The reason I chose the Ping is because it’s waterproof. But I still have one question for Ping users… after swimming or bathing have you run into any problems with the infusion set becoming effected by the chlorine or movement?

Blessed Diabetic

After swimming a long time, I have had some trouble with the adhesive on my infusion set. I try to be careful to blot as much water out of it as soon as I get out of the pool. Then I try not to bump it until it dries out again. Sometimes I need to tape the edges down a bit after swimming. Seems dependant on how long you spend in the pool, and how active you are while in the water. Some folks cover the sight with a waterproof protection - you should be able to search for past discussions. Good luck!

Thanks for the tips. I’m planning on Lap Swimming for an hour M-F and then doing some Water Walking. Walking against the current is what has me concerned. Thanks for the well wishing and tips again.

Be careful for the lows…too much exercising can make you crash while on the pump…talk to your provider about setting the pump to give less insulin…I don’t know if you have expeienced a low on the pump…its not pretty…

Hope you have a wonderful time

I always use the IV 3000 on top of my canula/infusion set. I’ve had no trouble with my sites after swimming.

Thanks for the heads up, yes I’ve had a low on the pump before… it was scary, but I was conscious enough to suspend the pump and call for help from a passing security guard at the mall. Scary yes, but manageable. On the shots, I crash a lot, one reason I’m switching to a different pump, my basal isn’t right and it changes throughout the day. Fun eh? The Ping seems to be the answer… or so my Endo Doc. says.

How low did you go?..I went down to 20 and I thought I was going to die…my husband almost took me to the hospital but I came out of it…He says I have tough skin…lol…well I hope your new pump works better…good luck

I am on the ping and it works great…

Good to know the Ping works so well. As for the low, at that time it was 34 I think. The lowest I’ve had is 25, funny thing I didn’t feel it until after it started to come back up to 40 or so. That was scary. Isn’t it nice though that to fix a low all we have to do is 1. remain calm and 2. eat sugar? I love to enjoy the little things :slight_smile:

I’ve had no problems at all. But I also use Skin Prep which makes it stick a little better for me. By the time I go to change my site, the edges are coming away just a little, if I’ve been swimming a couple of times a day, but not enough to make the whole thing come off. I’ve had no lows swimming either, particularly if I have some measured glucose and a very small bolus beforehand. Plus I keep more glucose near me. I’ve rarely needed it.

I hope you’ll love the freedom a pump will give you as much as I do!