Yeah, I have to laugh sometimes about the worry over postprandials.... If they knew what the hormonal spikes were like (in the absense of food), they would cringe...... Last night 110 three hours post with my overbolusing trick, then 265 within an hour. So correction and 60 percent plus temp basals to take care of that for the next five hours, but there is no way to stop a hormonal spike and they are far more extreme than postprandials....
Now that is a good tip. I will add meat to my baked ziti recipe and add a quarter of the noodles instead; maybe a little more. Baked ziti does not cause highs for her, even with regular pasta because of all the protein/fat. But using one-quarter the noodles could give us an extra free food for those times I don't want to give carbs. I am always looking for good free food.
my son is t1 and he is on the pump... we do not subtract fiber at all... and it works out great...
Thinking of trying (not) to subtract the carbs and seeing how that works..iv never had luck with the Dreamfields.. knew for some reason not to subtract carbs entirely on that but still it didnt agree with my digestive system, similar to sugar alcohols.
I don't subtract fiber because it doesn't help. If I eat carbs, I go high, unless I have protein and fat with it, and not too many carbs at that. I tried Shredded Wheat, which is whole grain, with the bran, and I went sky-high. I'm not even going to try Dreamfield's pasta (can't find it, anyway) because I'm pretty sure it would just spike me.
I am a Type 1; I was told to subtract fiber if it's more than 5grams per serving of that particular food. So.....I rarely subtract it. Not a lot of what I eat has 5 grams per serving. Often I can get 5-10grams in a meal, but that's from a serving of one thing and another serving of something else, etc. all added up. I find that typically I only have to subtract fiber for beans, as it's all I eat enough of that has a high enough fiber count to matter.
In Europe, fiber isn't even listed as a carb.
I am a T1 and I generally do my carb counts without fiber.
One thing that I can tell is that food that are almost pure fiber (like flax seed meal) do not raise my blood sugar. But I am sometimes puzzled by this too and haven't found the perfect solution yet.
I don't subtract fiber & I sure don't trust the fiber content listed on labels. Unless something is very high fiber (around half the amount of carbs), I don't bother.
People are told varying things about fiber. I was told subtract half the amount of fiber it's over 7-8 grams.
I tossed Dreamfields in the trash. High BG many hours later is not an advantage.
I was told to subtract 1/2 of the fiber but only if the total amount of fiber is 5 grams or more by the dietitian I saw 2 years ago. She explained that though most fiber is not digested, a portion of it, about half, is digested, though very slowly, and very slowly impacts your bgs. Makes sense to me. My favorite cereal is Fiber 1 and a 30g portion has 25g of carbs and 14g of fiber. Subtracting 1/2 of the fiber -- 7g -- gives me a total of 18g to dose for and it works (sort of). I don't have as many lows doing this as I would have if I dosed for the entire 25g total of carbs.
I've always subtracted 100% of fiber and use net carbs to calculate my dose and it works fine. If I were to use my current ratios and not subtract fiber, I'd be crashing after most meals. I eat a lot of fiber and tend to eat the same sorts of things with most meals so that the ratio of fiber to carbs is fairly constant. As a result, my 13-1 ratio for breakfast might be the equivalent of a 15-1 with all carbs counted. Both systems could work equally well.
I will subtract when OVER 5 grams per serving I do not subtract when 5 grams or less ...on the other hand I seem to be a bit flexible with this rule lately I low as in below my pumps target of 5.5 ( x 18 ) ...I may not subtract . The complexity of wanting tight control or not so tight :) ...I read my typing and it looks confusing even to me the typist !
The standard ADA/ADtA guidance is to subtract half the fiber if over 5grams. Dr. B does not believe in subtracting fiber. I actually believe that not all fiber is the same. In the end,what is true is what is true "for Clara." There is soluble and insoluble fiber, which react very differently. And beyond that there are different fiber sources and most importantly, fiber affects digestion and how well you absorb carbs. In the end, the meter does not lie.
I subtract if it’s 5g or more and I’m a T1. Another rule if thumb I know others use is to subtract 1/2 the fiber.
This is so funny, I had almost the same reaction when my nutritionist TOLD me to subtract the fiber... I had never done it before! Then I showed some results to my Endo, and we both agree, although the consumption of foods with more fiber is better, the insulin ratio shouldn't change.
That being said, watch out for Fiber One cereals! They can require shocking decreases in insulin for me.
I have Type 1. I need to bolus for the full amount of carbs. Subtracting even half the amount of fiber has never worked for me.