I was quite surprised to read about the changes to the tandem cartridges. They are making them so that they only work with their infusion sets. Presently you can use any infusion set with the luer lock but with the changes you will only be able to use tandem made infusion sets. They will make the same sets presently offered but under their name.I can see the business reasons for doing this because as it stands they only make money on the sale of their pumps. Doing this also allows them to make more money to help them compete with deeper pocket companies like medtronics. The change will take place slowly over the next 8 months. I believe the new cartridge will be available along side the old for the rest of the year so that we can use up the old ones in the meanwhile. What do you think of this change?
I wish that they wouldn’t do this but if it’s what’s necessary to keep them in business, then I guess I’d prefer keeping my t:slim.
Are alot of people using non-tandem infusion sets with the Tslim pumps? I’m looking at changing over to it; are there issues with their stuff? Or is it more of a cost issue for direct pay folks?
That is a good question. When I started pumping they automatically suggested animas insets as the easiest but Tandem makes a similar one. Then I switched to contact detach and also they sent the animas one. I even asked why cant I get a Tandem one and they said it didnt matter. I wanted the Tandem one just for that reason to support my company. So not quite sure why people tend to move towards other companies for infusion sets.
That was my thought too. Many are upset about the change but from a business point of view I can see why they are doing it. If this will help them stay afloat and continue to give us great technology its a small sacrifice
Since im sure there is a rule here against profanity, i will let you fill in the blanks of all the four-letter words i am thinking!! I have just had the rudest of awakenings…i got my Tandem t:slim x2 pump at the end of 2016 because i had met my deductible & max out of pocket due to a hosp admission. I stupidly thought my new insurer (FL Blue) would cover my pump & Dex supplies. Well, they do… AFTER i meet a $3,500 deductible.
I gave myself intense training on all things Dex & pump last weekend after being quoted $735 for a transmitter & 8 sensors, and $1,461 for 4 boxes of pump cartridges & infusion sets. The inf sets are $270 per box of 10!!
I shopped around & found “other brand” insets for $79.99-$109/box and as long as they have a luer lock, i am good to go. I experimented with refilling the same insulin cartridge & had no adverse effect so figure i might be able to get two infusion set changes from one cartridge.
This news is devastating to me! Does anyone have any ideas for those of us who are essentially paying out of pocket for these supplies despite a health insurance premium of over $700/month?
If they follow through with this change I hope they also improve their t:90 infusion sets. While they’re very similar to (Animas) Insets, they are definitely not the same quality. My daughter used the t:90s for 6 months. It was a good thing we had extra Insets because just about every other set change required a do-over. The inserter stuck on most of them, just enough to let the needle Pierce the skin but not enough to allow the infusion set to attach. We also had several that completely fell apart when we pulled back on the inserter. We could have had them replaced for free but only with additional t:90s. We chose to go back to Insets.
The insurance racket is a whole other ballgame and they know how to screw us over really really well. I was in the same boat and was paying thru the nose just to end up paying additional or copays for everything I did. I wish I had an answer.
As far as I am aware, all infusion sets, regardless of which pump or connector, are made by Unomedical. The pump companies give the their own names and labels but they are basically identical at the infusion set end. Medtronic have had their own connector system for years. The only downside is that not all pump companies offer all of the combinations of set type, inserter type and tubing length.
That is true they were all made by unomedical and they all had the same luer lock. Im not sure who will be making them but the cartridge will no longer have the universal luer lock. The lock will be unique to Tandem.
I’ve been using the T:90s since December and have never once had the inserter fail. So either I’ve been very lucky or perhaps they’ve improved them?
This is correct. In the 30 years I have been using a pump (6 different actually) the infusion sets are all the same. This a money grab by Tandem. I am on Medicare and my EOB tells me that Medicare & secondary insurance paid $418 for 3 months of infusion sets, cartridges & IV preps. BTW: Medicare paid $523 for a new Tandem pump.
Wow that is such a small cost to their worth. To only get $523 for a pump that cost $15k that is a steal. No wonder Tandem is having money troubles. I think it was a good call to do this. They are doing it over 8 months so it shouldnt be too inconvenient to the users.
If people want choice, other than the large manufacturer’s, then they should do everything they can to support the innovative companies in the space. Buying your supplies from your pump manufacturer, if possible, is a small thing and can help ensure that Tandem is around.
I would guess that the issue is one where without the proprietary connection some of the 3rd party suppliers have been substituting non-Tandem products to increase their bottom line. Having a proprietary connection will hopefully increase their profit and allow them to stay in business. If you haven’t seen their stock price lately it is enlightening.
@Alex27 have you tried buying directly from Tandem? I haven’t been able to buy direct for the last 2 years (they’re out of network) but prior to that I paid $25/box (cash price) for cartridges. I never tried for infusion sets through them, but Solara Medical had good prices then. Our current plan requires preauthorization & doesn’t cover out of network at all, but with our old plan I could buy with cash & then submit to insurance to get it applied toward deductible. It pays to know the loopholes in your plan nowadays.
@daytona it’s likely their quality has improved over time. It’s been a couple of years since our experience with them, when they first started marketing the t:90. We had no choice at the time because we were buying directly from Tandem. They’re out of network for us & I just requested Insets from our new supplier.
Thanks, tiaE. I will check. They initially sent me to Edgepark but i guess that’s because of insurance coverage. Maybe Tandem sells direct when it’s a cash transaction. Thanks for the idea! I will post an update.
Pardon the whine, but this is such a pain! It’s difficult enough to deal with D all day everyday & what it entails to achieve somewhat good results. To buy insurance & not realize you have to figure out not only if your docs are on the new plan, what meds are covered, etc but now HOW certain things are covered is taxing my patience. Apparently, if my DM stuff was covered under the pharmacy benefit, i’d pay a copay and be all set. But with FL Blue, these are under the medical benefit, which is subject to fulfillment of my deductible. Live & learn
Whine over (for now LOL). Thanks again, tiaE
@Alex27 Tandem quoted the cash price to me when I tried to reorder before the 90 days was up with insurance. I actually bought 4 boxes with cash to make sure I had a safety net. In your case, I would just say I’m cash pay right up front.
I called Tandem & got reasonably good pricing: $30/box for cartridges & $95/box of t:90 infusion sets. The cheapest i have seen insets is $79.99 for another brand with luer lock. Thanks for the idea
Way better than the $270/box for infusion sets from FL Blue’s preferred DME provider! Lunacy!
Happy it worked out for you.