Tandem updates

Hello all,

So I’m wondering how the tandem updates work. Also I have 2 x2 pumps. One I just got a few days ago, and the other is about 5-6 years old. Am I able to update my old pump to the same software as my new one? I have tried plugging it in to the pc with all the tandem apps installed and saw nothing to the effect of updating.

Probably a long shot on the old pump updating but I figured it was worth a try.


You need to go online to tandem and request it

Does the latest version include any changes to CIQ?

Here is info on updates for Tandem pump.

I’m a few steps behind, since was not intersted with the app bolus feature. But will likely update soon.

Can only update in warranty pumps…

A few bugs that rarely caused abnormal pump behavior were corrected.


New update allows you to use either G6 or G7 & can switch back & forth. Default for the “activity” being turned off automatically is 30 min or you can choose a time. I guess I wasn’t the only one that turned it on and forgot to turn it off. I know there’s more but my brain is tired. LOL