The Olympic Torch , Jan . 27, 2010 through my Community on the way to Vancouver ...The Torch has arrived in BC

Great photos Nel. You’ve had a Real whirl-wind experience. I know it will remain in your mind and heart forever. It was Fun watching you take your turn in the Relay. Thank you for sharing the photos and spreading the word out there about Diabetes. It looks like it was a Beautiful day in BC. :slight_smile: xo

Awesome picturse Nel! I’m sure that is a day that will never be forgotten!!!

LOL Danny!! :smiley:

Nel, I forgot to put these photos on earlier. I can delete these photos if you don’t want them on here.

I also had taken 5 photos of you during your Run. Unfortunately, the window of the vehicle, that the camera was videoing through was smeared with dirt and was all spotted with salt, I guess. So sadly, those photos look Terrible. :frowning:

Hmmm…These photos don’t look very good. They look better on my computer. No gray colour

or squares.

Terrie , these photos are just GRAND !! If it had not been for you , these would not be here !!!
My Dear Brother from Guelph will love them …I told him about these , when we talked on the phone tonight . By the way I met ( everyone watching page ) Nicole on FaceBook ; she carried the Torch as well and Bonnie Dew and I are going back to 1964 ; her Dear MOM was my boss at CNIB , Toronto , ON . Josee , who I passed the Torch to , lives in Revelstoke, BC and is a Chef at the Games ; owns a restaurant in R , called
" The Modern Bakeshop and Cafe " and we promised to have Lunch there in March !!

PS Danny , I don’t do much housecleaning :wink: …however if and when we get guests it usually looks pretty decent …only because hubby takes the bull by the horns, so to speak !

Thank you all for your comments.

That’s Great Nel! I wasn’t sure if you had asked someone else to take photos of your “computer run” on the page. LOL! Felt like I was there. Thanks for explaining who these People are. Have a Nice lunch in March at the Cafe.

Nel… Sorry I wasn’t there. Had a family emergency here at home but Mark (a friend of mine on the run)took pictures and sent them to me. He is at the OV right now. I can’t explain all and will still be outta pocket for a while. Will be back up and running again in a few weeks…

NEl… HUGGs !

A surprise , when I was at my class reunion in the Netherlands and was told by 2 of the ladies, that they watched the webcam and saw me with the Torch :slight_smile:

July 2 , just under 6 months and Gordon and I finally made it to Revelstoke, BC , where Josee , who I gave the Torch to , owns a restaurant , called the Modern Bakery on the main drag .It was so wonderful to hug each other and recall all the memories of Jan . 27, 2010 …and lunch was wonderful ; so was the cappucino later in the afternoon. Revelstoke was buzzing with tourists ; Josee said earlier in the season than usual …an Olympic spin-off ??

Yesterday 11 months ago I carried the Torch , as if it happened yesterday . Wore my white toque to the grocery store , where a cashier , noticing the toque , shared , that her Husband ( Olympian /speed skating ) returned to Saskatchewan, Regina , for the carrying of the Torch …they live here now and he is coaching speed skaters. .
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