Again, I have to caution you. There may well be "triggers" for T1/LADA, but you cannot reverse time and go back and evade the triggers that caused you to have T1/LADA. And while there are some "triggers" that have been hypothesized such as those discussed in Dan Hurley's book "Diabetes Rising," there isn't any evidence that avoiding those triggers in the first place is at all effective. And avoiding them after you already have T1/LADA in the hope that you will be "cured" doesn't work. However it occurred, your body imprinted on your beta cells as "foreign" cells and now your body attacks beta cells with your own immune system, triggers aren't in the equation at all.
That being said, many of us do find that wheat/gluten causes us particular problems. I just want all of us to make informed decisions about our health. We should look for "evidence" that things work. And we should always be cautious about things we hear, the liver detox, the worm diet, the supplements, the raw vegan diet, the prayer cure, anything labeled homeopathic, and yes even naturopaths (many who are not licensed and are "out there"). And I would urge you to look up your friend to see if he is licensed. And I don't always trust my licensed doctors, even "specialists" like my former endo.
You need to decide how you will look after your health. Just because someone is a friend and you don't pay him doesn't mean that you need to follow his advice. Perhaps this is an example of "you get what you pay for."