Treatment/ Cure

Well I have anemia now so it is more difficult so I am needing more strength and energy to start this remedy again plus a few very active boys and a different lifestyle makes it a bit more challenging…but you are right, it is really rather stupid of me to not do more to try reversing it again.

I ate most anything I wanted to. I out of habit took in about 60 carbs per meal though. Check out this pdf on the book I mentioned. Look under thr diabetes section, liver and kidney cleanse and diet section and environmental clean up and diet reccomendations. This is the program that works!

I have to tell you, I started to read this book but I couldn't continue. This is what I call "Science Woo." As someone trained in science and engineering I find this book shockingly outlandish. It makes huge claims, none of which seem to be backed up by any evidence. She just spews out stuff, no references, no apparent knowledge and it doesn't look like she actually did any research herself. She just made up a bunch of stuff. And then when I looked up the author, Hulda Clark, I find that she is someone who has been "dismissed" by the FDA and FTC and was characterized by Andrew Weil as "scientifically unfounded, "bizarre", and potentially fraudulent." Before she died, she was investigated, fled, was arrested and even barred by Mexico from ever working in the country.

My advice would be to run away from this, very fast.

If you really want to find a way to go without insulin for a while you can use the Allen Diet. It was developed over 100 years ago and before the discovery of insulin it was used successfully on thousands of patients. Elliot Joslin used a variant of the diet on his patients. If you diligently apply the diet, patients were able to live for up to four years before they died. If they were able to evade DKA during that period they were successful, but eventually they just succumbed to starvation.

Hmmm…well if you find something that works why not try it? Her program is the only one that I have actually seen true results from. It made a lot of sense too. The reason she was put in jail was because she was helping people reverse their diseases. The big pharma and med industries didn’t like seeing anyone cure anything . It takes their business away eh?

What else to do with this lifetime anyway? How else does science advance without taking chances? I don't believe others as motivated as we wish they would be in searching for a cure. I have education in biology and chemistry, plus a majority of my lifetime living with this. Frankly I avoid this site for the most part as I find many of the T1s here quite annoying in their fragility, how they approach this disease. I could tell you some crazy stories I have been through, but have survived still. 30 years and no complications and I don't believe I take that good of care of my diabetes all the time, probably just built to handle it. I don't fear what could happen, and dream of a life without this!!

I don't consider what Brian mentioned a "cure", though. I am talking about complete reversal, able to eat what one wants or at least a decent vegetarian diet, without substitution of some immune suppressor drug or the like. I believe an old Indian saying "an herb for every disease". Nature has answers for us we have yet to discover in my opinion! I will look into her program and make my own decisions about what makes sense and what does not, what I can research for myself and what is just not going to work. She may have been on to something for all we know. Why not investigate every claim? No matter how bizarre it may seem as the obvious things have likely been tried so got to push the envelope, do things a bit on the crazy side, if you will. Got to do what no one has done before to find what no one has found yet!

What is so disturbing about hope? If someone has success with something do you dash the hope? Now that is disturbing from my point of view and for those of you who do not think this disease is curable you lack hope and faith and knowledge. I know that the body is made to heal itself given the right conditions. Never give up. For when one gives up they have lost in life.

Good to hear! Thanks for sharing!

So good to hear someone believes as I do…an herb for every disease…I like it!


It has actually been a good thing. I started by trying to eat all raw, lost 15 pounds in about a month doing that. I feel better too since I gave up meat and most dairy (still eat some cheese and eggs)and continue to do so. I have been at this a few years now and have done some interesting experiments on myself but nothing I believe that is reckless. I am very careful and pay attention to how my body is reacting. People usually get uncomfortable with that sort of thing, but I do not take any of this lightly!!

Hi type1foodie,

Can you say more about this? I'm interested in piecing more together!

Nicely said:)

Insulin pumps are ideal for preventing the lows in metabolic transformations--almost seemingly designed for a "wean" process. Nicely said again, Dean.