So I have been on my new MOBI for a month and I wanted to check in about the differences. Improvements etc.
1 takes getting used to need to look at my phone to clear alarms. And basically everything the pump does is controlled by my phone. I keep grabbing for my pump.
2 there is no total daily dose unless you go to the tandem site. Something I miss because I’m tracking that.
3 On the up side, the cartridge is 100 times better easier and you can see the insulin. Also you can load it and prime it manually instead of using the software that requires all that priming and waste from the T2.
4 I love that I can wear it almost anywhere. I use double sided tape to tape it to me under clothes. Loving that.
5 the algorithm is the same but for some reason I’m using less basal and more bolus.
6 still some waste but less than the T2
7 wireless charging makes it more water resistant. I was able to swim with it twice with no issues. Also I can use my car wireless charger on it. Charges fast. Lasts 6 days.
I got this pump because I work in clean rooms some times and I can’t take it out to clear alarms etc. this works great for me as I can do all that in my phone.
Finding new places to put my sets.
Over all it’s is a fantastic upgrade to my tslim. The ap just needs some improvement. There are far too many steps to bolus. I found the same on the old t connect ap.
I’m going to post some videos about how I wear it and how the loading is better and how to prime manually , I’ll post here if anyone wants to see it.
I also have my new Mobi pump for about one month now and I would like to share my findings:
For unknown reasons, my total daily insulin consumption is less than when using t:slim X2 pump. I don’t know the reasons, but notice the Control IQ algorithm seems work a little bit better in the current version.
I keep a log for my daily insulin consumption when I change cartridge. These data are available in the t:slim X2 pump. The Mobi APP doesn’t have the daily insulin consumption data. The data are available in Tandem Resources after a tedious manipulation.
The transparent 200 ml cartridge is easy to fill for sure. Any bubble in the cartridge or the tube can be pumped out easily with minimum insulin waste. I always pay attention to the cartridge and tube when I reconnect the pump after shower and pump out bubble before connecting to the infusion set. The black color t:slim X2 cartridge is a black box.
The APP indicates the number of unit available after cartridge installation. I always fill 200 units in a cartridge. The APP shows 195 unit max. and 150-190 unit sometimes. I find out that the # of unit will be less if bubbles need to be pushed out from the cartridge.
When the cartridge is below a minimum number, it indicates “Low” Insulin, as compared to t:slim X2 going down to zero, then a “X” sign when it is empty. I can use at least 6 units more. The usable unit in a cartridge could be as high as 195 out of 200.
I clip the light weight Mobi pump on a thin elastic waistband above my dress pant. It allows the infusion site to be located anywhere above it. In comparison to t:slim X2 pump, this is much better.
I practice the use the pump button, just in case. It is not intuitive and the Tandem video doesn’t show the most important step, i.e. the pump’s confirmation of # of pushes. After finishing # of push, wait patiently for the pump to beep (and light flashing) # times, before pushing to deliver. The video should zoom in to the pump indicator light flashing as a pump confirmation. If you push too early or too later, the request is cancelled.
I just got the old tslim and am kind of wishing I’d picked mobi. It’s quite old technology, and the screen is hard for me to use. But, I am planning several surgeries soon, and they’d be more likely to let me keep my pump than my phone. If I’m lucky, they might even respond to the alarms on my pump.
Check out this topic about diabetes care in the hospital. It is important for you to engage with your healthcare team to make sure a plan is in place before your surgery.
I haven’t measured but the charging time seems exceptionally quick to me. If you charge every time you shower, your battery will probably never drop low
Be careful, if you let the Mobi set on the charging pad too long, the cartridge becomes “warm”. There is high probability that bubble may be formed and you need to perform “Load Cartridge”, “Fill Tubing” actions to push the bubbles out. It is not easy to push large bubble out, but relatively easy to push out the small bubbles.
Yes I’ve noticed this too with bubbles, but best way to deal is to fill the cartridge and wait a few hours and get rid of bubbles after that. I do it the night before and leave it out till morning.
The issue with the charger is not an issue for me. I just place it on the charger when I’m in the shower and put it right back on.
I love the Mobi for a lot of reasons. I just have been struggling to keep my meal time numbers in checks. Lots more insulin for bolus but same or less for basal. That seems so strange to me and I am very frustrated. I’ve never had a 300 in a lot of years but have had 300’s and higher multiple times since starting Mobi. But only after eating.
@Angie7 If you use Humalog or Novolog, you may need to pre-bolus, 10-15 minutes or so before meals. This is to allow insulin ready in the blood stream before taking into glucose.
If you use FIASP or LUMJEV, you probably don’t need to pre-bolus.
You can also try not to eat “sugary” food at the beginning of a meal in the initial 15-20 minutes. It may slow down the release of blood glucose to your body while your blood stream is not insulin “ready”.
There are a few critical alerts that can’t be silenced, like if your BG is under 55, there’s a delivery issue, or the pump malfunctions. And even when those do go off, it’s not terrible. Just a few beeps and then it’s quite until the alert is due to repeat, if at all. It’ll never scream incessantly like Omnipod. Most other things can either be completely disabled or set to vibrate.
Nope. It’s like Omnipod, in that all your settings and the automation live in the pump itself, not the app, and it talks directly to CGM, so Control-IQ is fully functional without the phone. Except the pump button makes it even better than a pod, because you can still bolus, quiet alerts and check pump status.