TuDiabetes gets to 14,000 members... but there's more!

So today, we reached the 14,000 member mark on TuDiabetes… and I thought it’d be illustrative to share some of the global stats not just about registered members, but also visitors to the community at large.

The chart below shows the figures for the past 30 days:

As you can see, while TuDiabetes still remains a largely US-centric community, the composition of our visitors (and members, too) is becoming more international. We have nearly 8% of our visitors every month coming from Canada and just under 5% of our monthly traffic from the UK. In total, in the past 30 days, we received more than 130,000 visits from 164 countries and territories around the world!

Regardless of WHERE you are coming from, if you are touched by diabetes and want to learn or share with others your lessons learned and questions lingering, welcome to the TuDiabetes family!!

This is a beautifully constructed site and I always feel that I am in an international community rather than a US one when I log in. Well done Manny et al on creating such a wonderful destination!

Man, you would think my daily visits would at least get Hungary on the list!!! I’ll keep working on it!

Hoorah to 14,000 members!

Thats intersting and great to have more members.
Well done,

Yep!! I mean, yep, that would be all other countries combined… Hungary is in there, definitely!! :smiley:

Woo-hoo! What an impressive accomplishment!

That’s just great Manny!!! You came up with something good here! Pet yourself on the back!!!

@Kristin: Hungary comes at #26 with 233 visits. You need to find more Magyars to join!! :slight_smile:

I’m the same as many here - to me Tudiabetes doesn’t have any borders! Looking good Manny :slight_smile:

Very impressive especially since the site is still in it’s infancy. Well done Manny and staff.

I’m happy to be one of the ones contributing to the green piece of the pie. You’ve built a great community, and it’s one of my “must visit” sites each and every day (often more than once), even if I don’t have much time to do anything but read a post or two.

Woohoo! Congratulations everybody!

Wow this is amazing!


Congratulations to you and your team. I still think the German Ambassador has some homework to do :wink:


great !!
so what’s KSA statistics when it comes to TuD ?


They say this sort of ‘knowledge’ medicine is the way of the future; that is “people taking an active interest in their disease, learning about, learning from ‘others about it’ and sharing information with others about it”.
Truly groundbreaking and first class. You are setting the pace and standard TuDiabetes!

Wow! This is so interesting Manny. And a lot of fellow Canadian visitors. You’ve done such a great job growing this site and really honing it’s functions to help support and connect others. That’s wonderful.