I am currently getting this twisting in my insulin pumps line/tubing (tandem tslim).
I am wondering if anyone else has had these issues and found a solution to keep this tubing in control. I believe it has currently caused an occlusion. It appears to happen when I wear the pump in a waistband across my waist.
I have used one of these in the past. I am not a big fan because like with everything making an addition seems to add other issues. However it is inexpensive enough that you might give it a try.
You are twisting it every time you take it out and look at it. It happens to me too sometimes.
You can unhook it at the lure lock and untwist it and reconnect.
Yes this worked. When I was trying to untwist the loop I was not unhooking it from the canula.
I guess i must be putting my pump in and out of the waistband in a way that adds a loop each time.
Thankyou for the tip. That website seems to be denied for me and when i have searched the product it doesn’t seem to be available or even allowed in Australia. But I will keep a lookout for similar products.
How I fixed this problem was to straighten out the tubing, which is to straighten out any loop in the line every morning before putting on my pants. Having a boating background, I knew every boat line has to be kept without any loops in the line.
@Andrew1, this happens to me as well. I wear my pump clipped to my waistband. I think it is caused by the clip which goes in such a way that the pump has to be twisted around for reading. This never happened while I wore a tubed Animas Ping for 15 years. But the Ping clip could be attached in such a way that there was no need to twist the pump for viewing. Several times during the day I grasp the tubing close to the inset and dangle the pump so it can rotate free to find its place. I can do this without detaching it from the inset. Annoying but not major problem.
I also use the dangling method described by @Willow4. I don’t think the looping infusion tubing causes me any occlusion problems, however. I use a 43" infusion set.
I use 23" tubing, which, with the addition of the Tandem connecting tubing on the cartridge, makes it closer to 25" tubing. I find that the extra 2 inches does cause me a bit of trouble snagging on things that never snagged before. But periodically dangling the pump to undo the extra twists does work and is not that much of a hassle.
People do or did the same with corded landline phones. Every time they picked it up and hung up there would be a twist in the cord. I second @Timothy ‘s method. It’s easy and doesn’t involve additional stuff.
Stuff like this makes me wonder if adequate testing is done in the product development stage to ferret out possible user problems. What you say about not having the trouble with the Ping but with the Tandem just confirms this.
@Luis3, I never said it was a problem. An inconvenience, perhaps. The length of the tubing is such a minor thing. I can totally understand why Tandem decided to go with an existing adjunct in order to save a bit of cost to the consumer. The Tandem pump was an innovative product that veered off from the patented way pumps had pushed insulin out of the pumps in the past. Length of tubing is minor and I think that all of us who use a Tandem pump found our own way of addressing this issue before it caused any problems. You just let it go a bit farther until it occluded. Now you know.
I was more thinking about the practicality of the belt clip placement causing tubing twists, not tubing length. Long ago, I was involved in product development (not medical). We tried to make our products as user friendly as possible, looking for all the ways a user could fowl things up. It saved a lot of international travel miles by our field service techs.
Because of that, I have little patience with design groups who do not do the due diligence.
In 1962 I had the word, crotchety, in vocabulary, Yeah, that word fits me.
@Luis3, it boggles my mind when I read about how many things users can foul up. I do believe that Tandem has gone through several different clips, none of which is really as good as the one my Animas Ping had. Why? Because the Tandem pump is so much smaller than the Ping. A waistband needs a substantial sized clip to secure a pump and an adequate sized clip would protrude from the Tandem. So… would I refuse to use a pump that keeps me from going low at night just because the clip doesn’t work optimally? Nope. End of discussion so far as I am concerned. The clip, the tubing, even the filling of the cartridge is of minimal importance to me as long as the algorithm is outstanding and keeps me safe.
That’s wh6 I can’t wait till tandem finally comes out with their patch pump.
And I’ve gotten my tubing so twisted it’s actually unscrewed the tubing from the lure lock. So I think it happens a lot.