Used Humalog with pump for 4 years, then it wouldn't bring bg's down, so tried Apidra and it works!

Has anyone had the experience that using the same insertion sets, checking the pump with the Medtronic trouble shooter on the phone, and still BGs would not go down??
My doctor gave me some samples of Apidra, same basic chemical makeup as Humalog and Novalog, but it worked!!! I'd had a week of wild swings of bgs and then after switching to this brand, boom, I am in 99% control. I still have some spikes after a meal, but that is being worked on with settings changes and planning exercise after breakfast.
I just hope it keeps on! I use the quick sets and had though before the change in insulin, that I was becoming insulin resistant, which may be true, but for now, the past 4 days have been normal.

I forgot to add, Apidra comes in pen injection form, too for those who don't have a pump.

I've used all three of the rapid acting insulin analogs on the market today, Humalog, Novolog, and Apidra. I currently use Apidra. I didn't notice any appreciable difference in how they managed my blood glucose. I did have an infusion site allergy with the Novolog.

The important thing for you is: what works works! There are so many variables that affect the glucose metabolism that it's sometimes hard to figure out what factors we should change to bring our BGs back in line. It may be a complete coincidence that your BGs started to behave when you switched insulins. Or it could be that your body reacts favorably to this insulin formulation.

In any case, if your BGs are in line then you should continue on this course. I hope that your blood glucose continues its favorable trends.

I had a long bout with insulin resistance after I gained more than 20 pounds over 10 years. My solution involved a low carb diet, daily exercise, and basal rate testing/adjustments. I also lost the 20 pounds.

I wish you luck with your continued success.

i've used all three too. never noticed much of a difference with any of them.

It is possible to develop resistance to/antibodies against a particular kind of insulin.
It may be that that has happened to you with the humolog. If that is the case then the antibody would interfere with action/destroy the humolog as it is injected.
Since the aphidra is molecularly different it would not cause the same response.

Have read on the boards of others who have had to rotate through rapid insulin, due to this effect.

Thanks for the hard info. My doc said that it might work, though it is basically the same chemistry, but not totally. I am just thankful I can feel good now that my Bgs are back to normal!!! I am very sensitive to highs and lows . My totals for insulin have gone up from around 22 Units/day on humalog to about 24+ on Apidra.
I almost threw in the towel and started injecting again, I was trying all I could to get Humalog to work, blaming the pump, the viability of the bottles I get from Walgreen's, the heat in FL and a bad job of carb counting! Nice to find a solution. Now, should I keep the vials I have in my fridege of humalog, or give them to a friend? I have plenty of apidra! not ethical, but my friend has to pay a copay of $30 per vial!

Glad this helped a bit with a possible cause.

As for gifting the humolog - this site has rules about not selling/reselling prescription items. They do have links some where for donating non prescription supplies etc.

How long is the expiration date? Keep for later and see if the reaction eventually disappear? Or go with your heart and what feels right to you!

Thanks for the advice. I am not looking to sell the insulin or pass it on illegally. I will keep it (exp date 2016) in case I may need it, or give it to my doc or CDE rep from Medtronic corp.
I just hate to see wasted money, whether Medicare paid for it, or I did !

I'm right there with you! Gifting to your doc will likely get it donated to some one who has difficulty making D ends meet.
they are always happy to receive insulin...