I know that 99% of you who live in the U.S. are looking forward greatly to the new Vibe integrated system. I'm an exception to that. I don't have a CGM and I don't want one for several reasons. However my Ping warranty expires in 1/14 so if I want to stay with Animas I will have to get the Vibe whether I want it or not. I am very disappointed they will be doing away with the meter remote which to me is one of the key factors that makes me love my Ping, so part of me is wondering if it is time to change companies. But I have a good financial arrangement with Animas + I'm assuming the other companies either will be switching over to integrated systems as well or have already done so.
My question to those of you familiar with the Vibe already is if you need to get two different kinds of sets to use it. I guess you call the CGM set a "sensor". Will I need to get sensors as well as infusion sets or because it is integrated will just one type of set do?
Since money is one of my concerns if I had to buy two sets I might start researching other companies to see if some of them are keeping the option of a pump only system. I really don't want to spend money I can't afford for something I don't want! Thanks in advance.
I have seen the medtronic integrated system, and it has two sets (or belly thingies as I call them) One is for infusing the insulin, the other measures the bg in the interstial fluids. While you would lose the remote feature, there isn't a requirement that you use the CGM with the new Vibe if you don't want to. Aside from the $, is there another reason you aren't interested in CGM features? I find my Dexcom 4 is spot on in terms of accuracy and since I have to keep my BG on the low side (congenital failing kidneys - dx'd 20 years before the Diabetes Dx), having the CGM to keep me from going in the wrong direction has helped me stay off dialysis for decades. But I digress..
Darn I was afraid of that. I REALLY don't want to use two "belly thingies" for financial reasons as well as just more stuff to deal with. As for my other reasons for not wanting a CGM it seems like some of them are accurate but many are not, I would absolutely hate something alarming me all the time and bottom line I'm an obsessive person and I don't want to be staring at the thing every two seconds. I have never worn a watch for the same reason. I do know many people swear by them and it sounds like for you it is essential and wonderful. But I definitely wouldn't want to pay for and have to order/fuss with/wear something I had no desire to use! Sounds like I will be researching which companies have a pump only model option at least for a few more years! Thanks artwoman.
It's been over a year since I spoke with Animas Rep, but I thought she said the Ping would continue to be available for those that want the meter remote, and the Vibe would be a separate option. There may be different plans now, but my understanding was the Ping was not going away. So I suggest you check with Animas, unless they have already told you that.
The Vibe would be available either just as a pump, or you can additionally purchase the Dexcom transmitter and sensors, similar to MM arrangement. (You can use MM as pump only, without their CGMS).
There are some companies investigating having one 'insertion' thingy, that would be both for insulin delivery and CGMS sensor, but they are future possibilities, nothing in the near future. I've heard this is something Omnipod is pursuing. The main disadvantage is that insulin sites need changing every 3 days, where as sensors, such as Dexcom, can last much longer.
When the system is called 'integrated', or 'single device', they are referring to having the unit that holds the insulin, delivers the insulin, and displays the CGMS readings being part of the same physical device. In the case of the MM Revel and Vibe, the device, when purchased, has the 'smarts' to be a receiver (for free), but if you don't actually purchase the transmitter and sensors, it doesn't matter. You just don't turn on those features.
Oh, I didn't know either of those things, Megaminx! I had been under the impression that the Ping (and the meter remote) would no longer be available once the Vibe is out. Perhaps others will chime in on that.
I also didn't realize that you could use the vibe as just a pump. I thought they were completely integrated so it was one thing (with separate insertion thingies)! Animas has set me up on their low income discount so I would hate to give that up!
As a follow up, I have been putting my Dexcom 4 sensor on my upper arm. Thus one belly thingy and one arm thingy. I would think that having one thingy do both would be hard since the CGM's directions state that the sensor shouldn't be too close to the pump infusion. It might cause your sensor readings to be lower than actual. Like you, I am rather anal about my numbers - lots of testing etc. I do value the trending alert ("Hey doofus! You're going down or rising") Then I can nip things in the bud and keep my A1C where I want it (5.2-5.4) without doing it with lots of lows offsetting lots of highs.
Zoe - I think Animas has a lot of users that love the meter remote, and no plans for CGMS, and they would be crazy to take the Ping off the market. But who knows !
If you want the basics on what sensors / CGMS looks like, here is good link, although a bit outdated.
I hope so! I figured I was in the minority as most people seem to love their CGM's and so I figured the integrated system would start to replace the pump alone. If nobody on here knows for sure I'll ask Animas when I get closer. But I'm already reassured knowing that if I get the Vibe I won't be forced to get the other things for the CGM which I don't want.
With both Medtronic and I assume Animas, you can use the pump independently of the CGM. Many people don’t have insurance for the CGM and others are like you and don’t want the CGM. I have no idea whether the Ping and remote will still be available after the Vibe comes to market.
Medtronic does not have a full featured remote, so I assume if you leave Animas, you will have to go with the Omnipod because it is the only pump (besides the Ping) that is fully controlled by a separate device.
I find it interesting how many of us are so satisfied with what was our first pump. As you’ve probably read repeatedly, I absolutely hate the Ping if I use the remote. It is so incredibly slow and I can’t stand all the scrolling. I never used a remote with Medtronic and it’s not something I care about. (My boobs aren’t big enough to hide a pump there.) CGMis very important to me and I am still OK with my decision to switch to Animas because of the impending release of the Vibe.
What I find incredibly frustrating is that all of us have to make these decisions without knowing all the variables. There are many Cozmo users who have been using their pumps years and years past their warranty expiration. So you can always keep using your Ping for as long as it lasts.
Thanks, Laddie. Yes, it is interesting how different we all are and I guess what matters is that we find out what best serves our own needs. Nope, no Omnipod for this girl. I'm pretty attached to the meter-remote function, but I'm sure I'd adjust if I have to give it up. Nope, definitely no Omnipod..lol.
Yes, I don't see any reason to switch the day my warranty is up. So many new things are coming out that we all have many variables to consider. I agree you get attached to your first pump and used to how it works. But I plan on checking out options when it's time. I just doubt I'd get as good a financial consideration with another company so Animas remains my first choice.
My the way I don't hide the pump in my bra the way so many people report. I have found a bra that fits me perfectly (Wacoal brand) so there is no "inside". I just hook it onto the center. But for me that isn't why I like the meter remote so much as my pump is more commonly on my waist or in a pocket. I just like doing the testing/bolusing all in one motion rather than putting down the meter then having to pick up the pump and hand input the bg. Anyway, yep we are all different. Thanks for the info.
Even if a warranty runs out your pump will still work. I loved my 2020 and Animas switched to the Ping which I hate I use my Ping pump like the 2020 I just don't use the GM as I have a CGM. So Zoe just keep using your current pump or even if you switch to the Vibe use it as a pump with and use the one inset for the insulin as the Vibe needs two. (1 for insulin & 1 for GM if you will use that option) Here in the US we won't see the Vibe until the end of this year (if early)
Zoe - I want to echo what others have stated. You can keep your current pump past the warranty expiration date. I once kept a MiniMed pump about 9 years. Like many electronic devices that populate our lives, they often only become "obsolete" due to being overwhelmed by technical improvements.
Like you, I find myself to be in a minority position regarding the Animas Vibe model, but for a different reason. I'm a big Dex CGM enthusiast but I absolutely don't think integrating the CGM display into the pump will work for me. I prefer a separate CGM receiver that will dependably wake me up at night. An integrated pump/CGM display buried under layers of blankets at night will not wake me up!
If Animas does drop the meter remote, you could easily extend your use of your current system for quite some time. It makes me curious as to the behind the scenes human dynamics surrounding decisions like these. Do they survey PWDs that live with their devices 24/7/365? Or are these kinds of decisions more influenced by engineering and business concerns?
Thanks, Terry. Yes, I probably will hold onto my Ping for awhile as it seems to be working fine and I'm used to it.
Good question about how decisions are made. I teach online and it seems every year they "upgrade" the software and I have to learn something new whether I want to or not. Sometimes it's an improvement, sometimes not. But always it is more complex, with more options and things to check. I believe it's a bunch of tech geeks who love this stuff and enjoy challenges while us normal humans are left scrambling.
There's over a thousand of us in this group alone. Was anyone surveyed about their needs/wants in a new pump model?
It was the input from a pumper - i.e. John Walsh - that made the Smiths MEdical Cozmore such a wonderful device. I know that he (along with Steve Edelman - an Endo with type 1 and founder of Tcoyd) had input on the design and features of the Tandem T-Slim. So it can happen. I keep telling people in the medical device industry that I would be more than happy to be involved in a focus group. Maybe someday...
Well I am not excited at all to hear the meter remote will not be used with the Vibe. I like the remote control feature that the Ping has. My Ping is out of warranty, the buttons hardly work, (they dont seem to be designed all that well, since I use the remote most of the time) but it keeps on pumping, keeping me going!
I was kind of hoping the CGMS would be included in the remote, rather than on the pump, since my pump is almost always in my pocket or hidden. Oh well, technology keeps marching forward.
But if the buttons are the same I cant imagine them lasting very long at all!
On another note, I think Animal Insulin should be available, I remember Beef and Pork insulins almost 30 years ago and my control was fine. Less than 20 dollars a bottle... ho hum. Like they say, Liquid Gold. (30 years of a promised cure "right around the corner") Yea right.
I'm in the process of getting a replacement pump after 7 years, sticking with Animas as I've never had any problems & service has been excellent. But back on topic, I asked the Animas rep & she thinks Animas will continue to market the Ping when the Vibe comes out, as they appeal to different people.