I'm honestly more interested in the animas ping more than the minimed 530g I got info on . Like the cgm integration seems great but since it's not as accurate as a dexcom and I really don't want a cgm right now, I'm starting to think the ping might just be the right pump for me. I really like that the meter that comes along with it is a one touch and it is a one touch device itself, I really like one touch meters. I know those will be covered by my insurance too, which is great! The chance of upgrading to a vibe in the future is also enticing, I don't plan to until probably either A. I find a man and try to get pregnant (that'll probably be over 4 years so take your time Animas I can get the vibe whenever that happens probably lol) B. I feel the need to otherwise, probably after having the pump for a while and when I'm very comfortable with adding something else to my skin besides the pump infusion set. The only disadvantage over the minimed I personally think (this is really lame and superficial don't laugh) is that it doesn't come in a pretty purple color ...though the pink will do (especially if I go back to using my one touch ultra mini for it with certain situations such as travel or something it'd match! lol) I'm hoping it's on my insurance and my diabetes team support the ping usage over the minimed if I decide to go with the ping instead.
Okay I rambled on enough, What are your favorite and least favorite things about the ping? I've asked this in the chat a few times but I want some good details .