Waitress trying to kill me

Ordered a Diet Coke. When it arrived, clearly was a regular Coke -> 42g of carbs. I discovered pretty quickly.

Seems to me an infrequent error, but something I wouldn't have paid much attention to when i wasn't a PWD.

Imthink that’s a common mistake so you can either tell her the importance before she gets your drink or make sure you just take a sip. Most of the time waitresses think people order diet for weight problems. I don’t think they are trying to kill us diabetics. It’s just ignorance. We need to edjucate them. Now instead of ordering “diet coke” I just say “diet” it eliminates a lot of probs but then I always test it when I get it. It’s so obvious when it’s regular then I send it back to her telling her that I’m diabetic hoping that she gets the message that it’s important to pay closer attentions,

That's happened to me too. I haven't any doubt that it's an honest mistake. Fortunately one sip is enough to tell the difference.

I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often (and hasn't happened to me yet). Probably an honest mistake. They want tips!

This has happened numerous times at the drivethru, so I always take a sip before I continue on my way. If I really cant tell, I let my husband try it.

You also have to watch out for coffee, best to ask for a black with any cream or sweeteners on the side.

There are a few people who carry around a can of urine test strips in their purse, they can check whether the drink is diet or not. I'm not saying I do it but I don't often get fountain drinks.

I asked for a ‘fat’ coke because my sugars were low and told the waitress that I was diabetic. She brought a diet coke!

I can't tell the difference btwn regular and diet. I have used the Diastix Glucose strips to test the drink. The strips expired a long time ago, so I test my drink, then I test a drop of "regular" pop, to make sure my strips are still active. Occasionally what comes out of the spicket is not diet, even though it is supposed to be.

I dont know how many times ordering a diet soda in a restaurant-I have had to have a family member taste test for me, even though I ask for lemon with it.
It seems to taste like I remember it used to bd (before diabetes ) and I get scared. I have had hi test thru the drive thru by accident and had to dump it. The real stuff tastes vile! lol.