What are you thankful for

This month is a busy month, World Diabetes Day and the start of the Holiday season. With all of the things going on in the world today good and bad. I wanted to shine a positive light and ask “What you are thankful for?”

For living with the technology we have to make our diabetic lives easier

Thankful that my diabetes medication come cheap.

Friends and fun.

My family
My dogs
The sun (nothing makes me feel better faster)
That I have medical insurance
That I live in the country of Nelson Mandela, Steve Biko, Eskia Mamphele etc.

I’m thankful for the fact that I had a huge wake-up call a few years ago and started taking care of my diabetes for the first time in my life. If that hadn’t happened I honestly don’t think I’d be here.

That’s a great question with everything going on these days. I should be thankful for modern medicine keeping me alive, but today I’m thankful for more than that. I’m thankful that I have a little brother whose strong enough to not give up. After battling cancer since May, having 13 weeks of chemo, 2/3’s of his femur and some muscle removed. Celebrating a birthday between the 22 days in the month of September that he spent in the hospital he hasn’t given up. Just found out that the tumor on his kidney is twice the size and the cancer is spreading, he still is not and will not give up. I’m thankful for my hero, my little brother Kevin! :slight_smile:

i am thankful for the support of my family
i am thankful that i finally decided i CAN control this disease
i am thankful for a site like this, where i know i am not alone =)

I am thankful for:
my husband–he is definately a dream come true, in so many ways.
my insurance company needing a wellness check so that my doctor could diagnose me as a Diabetic BEFORE I suffer with DKA.
my family
my job–where I have insurance that helps with my medicines
our new car-- peace of mind to travel places
my in-laws
Oh so very much more… but I don’t want to bore anyone :slight_smile:

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!