What are your 5 worst Diabetic Habits?

  1. ignoring pump and CGMS alarms when I’m sleeping. I’m sure they wake me up, they used to, but now they only wake my boyfriend who knocks me around until I wake up and tend to myself (which he’s willing to help with in any way). I also usually snap at him because i want to sleep damnit! I’m no very nice in the middle of the night haha

  2. I too only test on a few fingers, they’re nice and callused so they don’t hurt, the rest are too tender

  3. I overcorrect lows. I am getting better, but I still do it too often, not good!

  4. Beating myself up when I go way high or way low. I get very mad at myself, and very depressed. It is not productive at all!

  5. Eating high fat foods too often. They sure do a number on my numbers!

  1. I’m an online student… so I don’t get the exercise I should.
  2. I eat too much stuff that’s high in fat. (low carb, high protein and fat)
  3. I tend to forget to do my test 2 hours after I eat.
  4. I don’t use enough lotion (never did understand washing natural oils away and then smearing goop back on)
  1. warning this one is gross: I always lick the blood off my finger after I test. It’s not like I like the taste or anything, I’m just to lazy to get a tissue.
  2. Going overboard with carbs when correcting a low, I have no self control when I’m under 50 I eat everything in sight.
  3. Getting frustrated when I’m high and taking it out on the people I love most.
  4. Giving random boluses without checking my bg first because I “just know” I’m high, and then crashing later.
  5. Obsessing over the Daily Totals feature on my pump. Once it gets to a certain number I will refuse to eat anything else just because I don’t want to use anymore insulin for the day, even if I haven’t had dinner yet.

hahah minus the overdosing on carbs i would say everyone one of these, especially the lancet… i cant even remember the last time i changed my lancet hahaha

That’s me in a nutshell. I’ve go to try real hard not to eat everything in sight when I"m low. I also lick my finger both before and after. I turns out that saliva is a pretty good anticoagulant. I’ve never had an infection but have left a few blood stains around when the finger started to bleed again and i didn’t notice. My keyboard is a stained mess. Thanks for your post. I just changed the lancet. It’s been at least a month since I’ve done that.

  1. LANCET. I never change it.
  2. Testing. I do it way too much. I just love seeing which way my numbers are headed, and I’m a perfectionist so I tend to overanalyse and blame myself for “bad” results. Vlah.
  3. Treating lows which aren’t all that low, when really I could probably have waited until the next meal and would have stayed stable.
  4. Thinking “well, I’m already 321, I MIGHT AS WELL eat a cookie or too without a bolus - it can’t get much worse!” (It CAN.)
  5. Overcarbing before exercise… Ugh. Canya tell I’m scared of lows? lol.
  • many more.
  1. Not so gross. We did a poll on finger licking about a year ago. Nearly half of us do it. That’s because we’re also vampires.

Grape and Fruit Punch FTW!!! haha

Only half… :slight_smile: I’m a finger licker as well…Only after though

5. That is a bad habit of mine as well. Always scared of that low. :frowning:

Your #1… I do the same thing… but I actually like the taste! That might make it more gross then yours!

  1. Opening a box of triscuits intending to eat only 5 crackers (=15 carbs), then have another one, another one, and extra two, another one, a small handful, etc. etc. etc. until I’ve had 20-30+. At that point, I might as well hook my pump up to an IV drip and wheel it around with me the rest of the day…

  2. Guessing at carb counts when bolusing.

  3. Secretly getting mad at my wife at those times when she doesn’t give me a detailed nutritional/carb readout for any one of her wonderful homemade dishes.

  4. When she does make me a nutritional readout, which she often does god bless her, I ignore it! (As always, I am an idiot…)

  5. Getting mad at myself for high BG readings. Like a 200+ BG reading somehow makes me a bad person…

#1 & #3 are like me, too!

  1. Unless I take out the crackers I want and put the box away, I will continue to eat them. The I will be like "well, this isn’t the worst thing I could over eat on!
  2. Even if it’s just a boxed thing no one in my house thinks about the nutrition info. So I will go to eat something, and it doesn’t have the nutrition info and I won’t be able to eat it. ~I don’t like guessing unless Ihave to.

My problem is that I treat the entire box as a single serving, and just have that one serving. Holds true for just about anything – crackers, cookies, a block of cheese,…

As long as people stick to their own fingers…

I love this post!!! I am feeling very normal right now. Thanks so much.

1 box = 1 serving
1 bag = 1 serving
1 package = 1 serving
1 meat out at dinner =1 serving I do not see a problem with that math

The ones I hate are the tiny bags and they say 2 servings per package!!! Yeah Right!!!

Ha ha ha… So true, Oh crackers… one sleeve sounds good, they’re just crackers… Bolus, Bolus Bolus…

Dear Mike

Triscuits and smoke salted almonds is something that one show not have in the house.

#4, I’m guilty of this one. As if the high readings just don’t exist if I never see them, ha.