What are your 5 worst Diabetic Habits?

NO WAY!!! WATERMELON!!! A bit jealious I must say.

I think they’re from…Walgreens maybe? Crap, can’t remember. I’ll look when I get home. Man, they are amazing though…seriously.

it makes us all feel normal :slight_smile: as we should!

I tried grape for the first time recently in fact it was some of my first glucose tabs ever. I wasn’t too impressed and talked myself into thinking those couldn’t have worked I need some chocolate and then had to correct. I’ll have to look for the watermelon…

They taste like TUMS to me. I won’t use them unless I have to - let’s put it that way. I thought they’d be more like real candy ;>

Oh well…sigh*

AHA! Here they are in all their glory! YUM!

A new flavor in the “Glucose Tab World” is a huge deal for me :slight_smile: Plus the key is, you have to like the Flavor enough to eat 3 or so of them. Orange might be good for one… but by the third I am coughing up sugar smoke!

The Grape reminded me of “Big League Chew” the bubble gum. Ahhh those were the days.

me too! I’m so entirely sick of raspberry, orange, and grape. gags Don’t get me wrong, 15 years ago they were yummy! but i’m a bit sick of them

2… I tend to do the same thing. I am usually pretty good on not over eating but when I hit a certain low point… I tend to open my mouth to any sweet thing I can find… then wash it down with some milk

I’m with you on #2. I am still trying to figure out how to stop blaming myself for the “bad” results! If I figure that out I will share it with you guys for sure!

  1. not changing my lancets enough
  2. Over treating highs and ending up low in the process
  3. Eating too many carbs at dinner and at my night snack (I just can’t give up the night snack, it’s so old school diabetic to have and I want it!)
    4.obsessing over how many units are in my reservoir. If I get below 30 units, I just keep checking and checking and checking…
  4. smoking cigarettes. Although it is not a diabetic habit per se, it is so bad for me since I am a diabetic so I am going to count it as a bad diabetic habit. I will quit this year, so help me!

Angela - #1 - I think we ALL do it! LOL If ya don’t, you get blood smears all over the place! Glad it’s not just me!


They’re both ok, so long as you have ice cold beer or your-beverage-of-choice to wash them down!

Cheers, Mike

Use scotch…no carbs!!!

(But watch out for the alcohol effect a couple of hours later). Cheers

I read this question differently and immediately thought of what diabetes stuff annoys my wife, rather than my bad habits despite knowing better. (There are some good examples of those I can relate to, though!)

  1. Leaving used test strips all over the place. The fall into cracks in the tile and can’t be retrieved, some dried blood make them stick to any surface, and they can’t be picked up by a vacuum anyway.

  2. Not having some food or glucose with me. She complains when this happens at bad times, like when we are traveling and will have to make a special stop to buy a snack.

  3. Not recognizing a low bg at times. She will notice a change in me before the CGM does and say, “Go test.”

An underlying message here is that she thinks I should be prepared and I shouldn’t have let myself drop low to begin with. But if she complains too much about how I manage my diabetes, I’ll snap at her because I am low, which leads to complaint number four…

  1. Mood swings.

I should say that my wife is fairly sympathetic and supportive about my diabetes, but we have been married for more than 10 years and by now little things can annoy the other one. (Hey, is there a Bitchy Spouse group on Tudiabetes?)

Your # 1 I must say I am a proud follower of as well. For some reason it’s my little mark on the world. My wife finds them everywhere.

WOW , where do I start huh? hmm let’s see I usually use just 2 mid fingers on each hand on/off etc.
bad habits eating like a freak when I feel I’m getting low which don’t happen often ,I’m usually HIGH…
starving myself just to get a lower reading,meter what meter LOL., lying about low’s high’s when I find my meter,LOL, I do have a bad habbit of forgetting to take my meds or at least ALL of them when I get mad about something I get angry and just refuse to take any hen WOW im screwed…and sometimes I dont like what the Doc has to say…
thanks for letting me vent,LOL

  1. i JUST stopped changing my lancet everytime. now, i change it every day or two. OOOH… i know. bad, huh?
  2. i don’t wear socks. and i don’t wear appropriate shoes. and i walk barefoot outside. oh, and i walked like… 1/2 a mile through snow a few weeks ago. (i still don’t know why we’re supposed to care about our feet…)
  3. i don’t wear my medical ID dogtag anymore. not even when i’m driving.
  4. if i’m with my friends… and i feel okay, i don’t test my BG… i just bolus for what i’m eating
  5. i’ll change a pod and go to bed minutes later. supposedly, you should stay up and check. but… eh? what the heck. i’m tired!

1.) “Banking Low Time” - a term I use to refer to the time you spend low, knowing full well that you are low, so that if you accidentally go high it will not impact your A1C. Bad habits die hard for me.

2.) When the doctor is fine with my A1C, not telling him about all the low episodes that occurred in order to get that 6.0 score.

3.) You mean you can change the lancet???

4.) When I was on syringes, not changing the syringe until the needle was VERY dull. When I was on pens, not changing the needle until I had to replace the insulin cartridge.

5.) Injecting through my shirt, my pants, etc. And then finding blood stains on my undershirts later.

I’m pumping now, and on CGMS, so I have a whole new set of bad habits to learn.

Fun thread!


My worst 5 habits would have to be

  1. Never changing the lancets

  2. Overeating for a low

  3. Taking extra insulin to cover for my sweet tooth lol

  4. Im not very good at checking my sugar like im supposed to.

  5. Being in denial that i still have Diabetes…