What happened at injection site?

I recently started using an insulin pump a few months ago. Everything has been fine until, today when I changed the infusion set. I pulled out the old set and started rapidly gushing blood from the injection site. The bleeding has stopped, but I now have a small, swollen black ring, about the size of a pencil eraser, around the opening. Has anyone ever had this happen before. Will it go away soon, or leave a scar. Why might this have happened? Is this an infection? My boyfriend’s mother is a veteran ER nurse, so I’m going to have her assess the damage. I just want to know if this has happened to others who are willing to share stories about the experience / outcome.

If it was bleeding it may just be a bruise, however black doesn’t sound normal (is it bluish or purple? That would be better)… if you’re worried I’d go get checked out.

you must’ve nicked a “larger than a cappilary” blood vessel. no worries, compression to stop the bleeding, ice maybe if it swells a little, black and blue for 3 days and then gone.

It happened to me first week on the pump - now I just try to stay away from the areas I that have this happen