What to do with pump while mountain biking?

Hi everyone,
I just got my first insulin pump, a T:Slim, and so far, so good! I do a lot of mountain biking and am curious about where others keep their pump while riding? I’m concerned about catching the tubing on something while riding, and potentially tearing the infusion set out. I wear baggy shorts while riding, so was thinking of keeping it in a zippered side pocket, but am looking for any suggestions! Thanks!

Keep it in a zippered pocket, either in your shorts or in a jersey. I stuff any extra tubing in my shorts, and typically only a tiny bit from is visible.

Check out spibelt.com and look at their diabetic spibelt. My son is very active and he loves using the spibelt while doing sports.

The SPIbelt is fantastic, both for athletic stuff and in general, because it's independent of your clothes, e.g. if you want to drop your pants to go to the bathroom, the belt just stays around your waist. I road bike a lot, and I just wear the SPIbelt (diabetic model) while doing that, same for running, which I do a lot also.

I made one modification, I made a small stopper that sits inside the belt and through which the tubing runs, that way I can adjust the tubing so any excess tubing is inside the SPIbelt pocket and there's no unnecessary tubing outside it that might get caught on something, or for that matter even be visible. It's hard to exaggerate how pleased I am with my SPIbelt for my new t:slim.

Spi belt works great, I can keep the Tslim and all the tubing inside my Jersey/shorts, nothing can catch on branches or bike. I also use contact detach infusion sets, they have a separate adhesive pad from the insertion site, so any time the tubing gets tugged the infusion set is not tugged just the attachment site.

Thanks everyone. I just ordered a Spibelt.

Take a look at tummietote 2 from tallygear. Will fit snug under shirt no problem with tubing hanging out. Easy to access, plenty of room for keys, gels, id/cards etc. Use it pretty much 24/7 and is comfortable. Use it while hiking camping, ziplining etc.
