I thought it might be interesting to find out what types of insulin peeps have been on over the years and when they were on them and how long they have been taking insulin. I know people besides type one (including this guy) use insulin, but this seemed like a good place for it.
Now I really don’t remember what a lot of my dates are, but then I’m old and … uuhhh… what was the question again? I’ve been diabetic for 39 years
Started in 1981 with Lente (from pig cells).
About a year later added Regular (also from pig cells).
About in 1984, added Ultralente (also from pig cells).
Switched to human formulations as soon as they came out.
Added Humalog and Lantus when they came out.
Started pumping in 2002 and switched exclusively to Novalog.
Ummm… i dont remember one
and it was when i was a baby
back in 1989when i was diagnose born in 1988, but it was like a huge pink thing
name gentle touch or sumthing like that
but yeah after that it was humalog Regular
then a mixture of Humalog Regular and the N one i think
then i was Novalog
and then 70/30 Novalog…
been diabetic for almost 20 years in '09