Hi everyone,
I’ve been using LogforLife to track my blood sugars and share them with my endocrinologist, and I like it’s usability and the fact that you can submit entries through an iPhone (yay!) but I was wondering if anyone else had suggestions for better analysis/tracking modules??
I use track 3 for my iphone. I’ve tried a few and like this the best. It will find and log carb info on different foods, insulin, medications and exercise, show graphs and pie charts. Can’t remember how much the download was but probably not much and it’s a one time fee. Still haven’t figured out if I can print it off, though. I just print off my meter and take that in to my Doctor. I’m interested in looking at the Logforlife.
I tried LogForLife, and I like it but I dont want to have to pay to use a service like this. I did like being able to log a weeks worth of my BG’s and look at the graph, that was definetly an eye opener. It literally looked like the “roller coast ride” we are always say D is!
That’s my beef with LogforLife too…9 dollars a month sucks. It definitely opened my eyes to patterns though…I wish this service was free.
I found a program for my phone, but its an android.
now that Im using the omnipod Im able to just download the readings to my computer, save it as a pdf file, and print it out or email
Okay guys, I just found one called diabeticjournal.com, its not the best or prettiest outline, but it is free and still makes a nice graph out of the BG’s. I think I am going to be using this one
Try the track 3. It’s 5.99 one time download fee.
Why not use Glucose Buddy on the iPhone? We do the same thing as LogForLife and it’s completely free. Search for it in the App Store.
Oh thats cool! I will have to check it out, Thank You!
I have that one too! Pretty good but I use the other track 3 more often for some reason. Just found out you can email your log.
I got Glucose Buddy over the weekend and I like it!! very easy to use, and it does graphs. And it is free!!
I got it too and I like it but I always forgot to do it. So I end up logging a couple of days worth every few days
I mostly am using paper logbooks now, but I like http://www.glucosurfer.org, which was founded by a TuDiabetes member, Holger.
I had a custom excel document that I wrote that had my preferred layout, but I found that it got too cumbersome to record #'s, and then have to go and enter the same #'s into a spread sheet. Now, I have a 3 ring binder with paper logs in it that I have been using and that works for me for the time being.
I’ve looked at almost every website out there trying to find one I like. Glucose Buddy is pretty decent but the main thing I don’t like about it is that I enter all the information into my pump and then have to re-enter it into Glucose Buddy. If I used injections, though, it would be perfect.
I just signed up for glucosurfer.org (it’s free) and although it’s based around graphs which is kind of unfortunate as I wish it had some statistics as well, it does enable you to upload meter/pump (and CGMS, though I don’t use one) data which I love. It also lets you access the site on a mobile phone to enter information like notes and exercise. I’ve only been using this for one day so who knows if it will last, but being able to upload my pump data was pretty cool! Today I’ve recorded BG/carbs/insulin with my pump, and while I was at the gym I went to the mobile site on my iPhone (have an icon saved to the home screen, and the URL makes it so you don’t need to log in or anything) and entered that I was going to exercise. That’s exactly the type of system I’ve been looking for, so here’s hoping I stick with logging!
WaveSense specifically for iPhone-it’s has a really nice interface, very intuitive and it’s FREEE!!! check it out in the itunes Store
I use the One Touch software. Works well, downloads easy with a cable ($30). Love the graphs and analysis I can do. Just print out the logs and bring to each visit.
Let’s assume that your meter and pump DOES connect with the software: In your ideal world, what graphs and stats would you find most useful? What are some other features you would find…cool?
I use an excel spreadsheet that was created by a blogger, Kevin. It’s awesome!
Hi Allison, I’d highly appreciate it if you can share with me your spreadsheet. I like working in Excel. Thanks.