Dear Priscilla,
There is also the possibility that your glucose meter is inaccurate. A non-diabetic friend of mine concerned about her BGs tested at 120 using her own meter, then immediately had a lab test with a result of 75.
Nonetheless, if your son is in the incipient stages of T1D, there is much that can be done to rescue the beta cell function he obviously still has. Although some may reject it, I would highly recommend Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution. He offers highly scientific ways (and practicable for us) for Type 1s to rescue their beta cell function, avoiding the risks, costs and worries of full-blown diabetes.
Although I do not adhere to it strictly, I have found the general advice tremendously helpful in keeping my blood sugars more or less even. (sometimes I jump off the wagon and then I see the yo-yo effect almost immediately)
Thanks for your support! Im taking him to his pediatrician in the morning
Do not try to diagnose T1 with blood glucose testing. Just take this number of 142 and talk to your GP. I would recommend to make an A1c lab test with your child - maybe tryglycerides at well. This way it can be determined if the blood glucose was evelated for a longer period of time.
I never said diabetics should not reproduce if they desire to however I consider diabetes a life of suffering and would be devastated if I had a kid gave and it to him/her. I would bet at least some of the parents here would still have had a kid even if the doctor told them "your child will definitely get diabetes" (if there was a specific test for that) and to me that's kind of selfish. I understand many diabetics that have kids are probably not thinking "what if my kid gets this"? Obviously anyone can develop any condition regardless of family history but when you have something like diabetes I'm not sure how anyone wouldn't be far more concerned about passing it on. Besides all that raising kids can be extremely stressful in general without diabetes. I couldn't handle it, no way jose. I can barely take care of myself.To be honest I can't even see myself being in a relationship with anyone let alone kids. In general I am in a disturbed state of well being.
Bingo. Every time you conceive, you are rolling a pair of dice. There are so many genetic and congenital conditions that are FAR worse than T1D. People are carriers for things all the time and have no idea that they are until they go to have a kid. I am thankful that ALL I have is diabetes. I can deal with diabetes. It has rarely limited me and I have done and accomplished so much not in spite of diabetes, but probably BECAUSE of it.
Please keep us posted. Hopefully the pediatrician will refer you to a pediatric endo. There is lots of research being done on how to preserve beta cell function. Even if he winds up needing insulin, preserving some beta cell function could help his overall control in the long-run.
Hi Priscilla,
I hope your Drs can help you by getting you the tests and answers you are hoping for. This is a big concern for me so I can imagine what you are feeling.
Here is another avenue that you may want to consider if Junior’s Doctors do not have much advice. TrialNet Type 1 Diabetes: Read over the link and consider it. If Junior tests positive for antibodies then the researchers may discuss research ideas to help preserve Junior’s functioning Beta cells.
Priscilla, you can always enroll your child in trial net. He qualifies since he has a parent with type 1 diabetes. They will screen him for all the antibodies, do an A1C, and they will give him some type of glucose tolerance testing with the antibody testing every 6 months until he becomes an adult (or longer if positive for antibodies). The GTT varies from hosp to hosp. We are moving and they did let us know that it may be a different test at our new local hospital but will give them the same results. My dtr Sophia was dx at 4 1/2 in Sept of '10 and my husband, son (who is now 4), and myself participated in the study. My husband positive for 3 antibodies and son positive for 1. They test every 6 months and so far, so good but at least we know where they stand. Just a thought. It's free and my son even gets a $50 check every 6 months for doing it which he splits with his sister :)
Well, first of all I don't think you know diabetes all that well because T1 is not hereditary. So not only is your statement about diabetics reproducing wrong but completely rude and unnecessary. I have a two year old daughter that is my world. Yes I worry about her possibly becoming T1, but it's because I believe that T1 is environmental and I may unknowingly subject her to the same trigger I was exposed to. Many of your statements on here are wrong and completely rude. You really need to think about your words before you post all your BS on here. I personally don't think stupid people should be allowed to reproduce, but you don't here me lecturing you about that because that would be rude of me! This website is for people that are dealing with something that is out of our control and as you said "depressing" so please stop making statements that would possibly make them even more depressed. I'm sorry for the rant but I am having one of those days and, me being a "Daddy" as my baby girl calls me, your comment just ticked me off!
JDRF shows that there is a casual, yet statistically signifigant link between T1D and family
1 out of 400 to 500 “Normal” individuals is a 0.2% to 0.25% chance in the general population. A T1 Diabetic has a 15% (3 out of 20) chance of their offspring developing T1D. While the specific genetics of T1Diabetes is not completely known, I think it is reasonable to consider that there is a genetic link.
My sentiments exactly, Jason! Many of Gary's comments tick me off, and I generally just let it go. But this is going too far! I have three kids, ranging from 10 months to 8 years. I didn't think twice about having kids. And if any of them develop Type 1, I'll know how to care for them!
Hi guys, thank you to all of you who have been supportive, I took my son to the pediatrician this am since last night he had a reading of 180. This morning his fasting was 82 and his urnine was negative for sugar and ketones which I was happy about. They did an a1.c and fasting glucose and regular blood work. They said if his a1.c is anything over 6 they will look into it more and if not we will just keep an eye on it. I guess right now we have to rely on the a1.c results but those few high numbers still sit in the back of my mind and has to make me wonder is it just that the Diabetes is brewing and will eventually pop up? He was such a trooper today and I am so proud of my little guy, he let them take his blood and as long as he got his dinosaur band aid he was happy;)
Settle down Francis, I'm not here to argue with you. You have your beliefs and feelings and I have mine. Though I can't prove it I'd bet that more people that develop type 1 diabetes have it on one side of the family. Also I never said diabetics shouldn't reproduce but rather I have a hard time understanding why they would under the circumstance and associated risks. On a final note Diabetes doesn't have to cause depression (for some it will and others it won't) but for the most part it is a horrible life threatening illness that has ruined many lives besides mine. I believe I am still alive because someone is looking out for me and want's me to be around for the breakthrough in diabetes.
Well said Jason!!!! I've got a daughter who was diagnosed at the age of 11 with Type 1 diabetes and she's doing well now. She has 3 kids of her own. Most of Gary's comments are hurting ppl not helping anyone at all and I wish he would try and understand that. I don't answer back anymore too much but that comment was totally uncalled for!
That's good that they are doing the tests that would be more likely to show the "big picture" of your little guy! Being proud of him is *exactly* the right thing to do!
I wouldn't say that you are being paranoid but I wouldn't stress too much about it. Did you consider that maybe the meter is reading high? It's not unusual for a meter to be off by that much is it? Another meter might give you better numbers for your son. Just a thought.
I thought of that so then my husband started testing himself and hes reading between 80-128, so I guess now I have to just wait and see what the "real" blood work shows
Hey guys, just an update my sons blood work came back his a1.c is 5.71 and his glucose was 79 and insulin level 1.7, they said his a1.c. is a touch over and his insulin level on the low side and the endocrinologists wont see him bc they said at this point there is nothing they can do and for me to just let him be and keep an eye out for symptoms. Good news! But dont think Im not going to be checking his bs at least once a month. Any thoughts? Its still sits in my mind that this could just be the very beginning but Im praying its not!!!!