When did you go see your endo?

This might be a silly question, but I'm going to ask anyway. :) When did you go to see your endo once you were pregnant? I went before I got pregnant and discussed everything with them. The OB nurse says I don't need to make an appointment right now and that the high risk doctor will do most of the monitoring. I'm just a little unsure, because they've always stressed that my levels be good right in the beginning of the pregnancy. They look great to me, so maybe I don't need to call?

I had seen my endo on a thursday and got my positive on Sunday. I called them on Monday to let them know i was pregnant. Since I had just been in, they made an appt for 3 weeks later. The policy at my endo's office is once every 3 weeks. She is really happy with my numbers so she is letting me bump it out to every 4 weeks.

I have not seen the perinatologist yet (high risk-ob) I think I am supposed to see them at 20 weeks.

I would definitely call. I saw my endo within a week of knowing that I was pregnant. She managed my levels throughout the pregnancy. I know that some OBs like to, but I prefer to work with the person who already knows me and my blood sugars!

At least you can call you endo and ask. I would tell them what the OB nurse said and ask their opinion too.

Hi Kim, at 5 weeks and then every 2 weeks in person since then... and 3 times weekly by phone. I'd call them :)

I was managed by the perinatologists during my last pregnancy and didn't need an endo at all.

I had to see an endo right away for my current pregnant because the perinatologist practice in my area (there is only one) refused to manage my diabetes with me on a pump. The perinatologists in the group only manage diabetes with split dose shots of humulin and humalog and I'm too insulin resistant for that at this point and they don't know anything about pumps.

I saw my endo every 6 weeks while trying to get pregnant, then once I got the positive, I saw her within a couple of weeks, so at about 6 weeks along. Now I am seeing her about 1x a month.

I called my endo as soon as I found out I was pregnant (at 4 weeks). She saw me the next day. I see her about every 3 to 4 weeks.

I see my OB and perinatologist every 4 weeks (so far). Both love the fact that I use the pump, but they rely on my endo to manage the diabetes. I love the fact that my drs seem to allow the other drs to act in their own areas of expertise :)

I started seeing my GP (who is also a T1 pumper) BEFORE I saw my OB/GYN. I'm not seeing a high-risk specialist at all, other than for one more intensive ultrasound with a peri (but more due to my "advanced maternal age" than my diabetes).

I see my GP once a month. It was going to be more often, but since I've been able to keep my A1c's around 5.0 the entire pregnancy, I'm just supposed to call if I have any questions about adjusting my dosage as insulin resistance has struck (I haven't).

Your level of control is important throughout your pregnancy, but MOST important in the first trimester in terms of fetal development. I agree with the others - call your endo and see what his/her standard procedure is and don't rely on the high-risk specialist, at least until you know whether s/he is good to work with in that regard.

I called my OB and my endo the day I found out I was pregnant. I had talked with my endo at my previous appointment before we started trying, and he said that I needed to call him as soon as I got pregnant. I go see him once a month throughout the course of my pregnancy. So far I've done blood work once for him and get my A1c done at each appointment.

Thanks, everyone! I'm glad I asked. I called and she asked me to come in this week. :)