When the Dexcom begins to fail

Hello-this is just an FYI if you are using a Dexcom.

I was noticing that my Dexcom was off by close to 30 points for the past week. Then it happened the unit told me my battery was dying. It was a message I've never seen before. You can see when your battery is running low, but not dying.

It happened again this morning.

According to Dexcom I have about two weeks left with my unit. It's been a great instrument for me. I will miss it.I hope to get a new one before this one totally fails on me.

Mine failed in 3 days after the warning. But my transmitter was about 13 months so that may have had something to do with it. I was always told you had about a week of battery life after the first warning. It looks like the receiver will give you that warning once daily till the transmitter dies but if you go in under settings you will see your transmitter status has changed from ok to low.

Diana, Thanks for this information. I will go check on the transmitter status now.

Is this the Dexcom G4 rechargeable receiver battery that you're referring to here? Or are you referring to the transmitter battery in this post?

The transmitter is not rechargeable. It seems that with the extended range of the G4 transmitter the life of the battery took a hit over the previous Seven. My G4 battery made it 1year then died. With the seven I was going on 2 years with no issues.