Take a look, but don’t buy diabetes diet books. They have all these crazy recipes that will send your BG to the top. Who do they think they’re kidding, or do they believe that a certain number of diabetics are dumb? The same goes for stuff on the www. Just Google something like, say, “diets for diabetics,” and see what you find. I saw a piece on the web a few days ago that had a diabetic recipe with ice cream. Ha!
I have a little ice cream on occassion, sometimes the strictness I put myself through gets a tad boring, so I do treat myself. One of these receipes may come in useful then, then again I can’t even cook so there you go. I could always get my other half to cook, he trained as a chef.
Agree! Someone gave me one as a gift. Big, beautiful glossy photos. Wasn’t a recipe I would use. Many people’s idea of a diabetic diet is substituting artificial sweetener for sugar. Like anyone needs a diet book for that:)
I’m likewise stunned at recipes I see on some diabetes sites. They’re just as bad, but no big surprise since everyone’s brainwashed following too high ADA dietary guidelines.
They fooled me. I bought several “diabetic” cook books and magazines containing “diabetic” recipes only to learn that I can’t bake anymore. Because I can’t eat just one cookie or just one slice of cake or pie or cheesecake or brownie, which is a serving in a lot of “diabetic” recipes.
The beautiful thing about people living with diabetes is that we’re all unique. What makes your blood sugar skyrocket may not have much affect on mine, or I may be able to use insulin and/or give up other carbs at a meal and/or exercise in order to eat what I want to eat. The best recipes are tested by a reputable test kitchen, have full nutritional analysis (so you know how much fat, carb, sodium, etc., you’ll get in a serving), are specific about serving size amounts, and have been taste-tested so that people who try them at home will have good results. When it comes to sweets and using sugar substitutes successfully, a tested recipe saves time, money, and frustration.
As for Lucile K’s comments about portion sizes, that’s a challenge for so many PWDs (my registered dietitian has a line on her patient-assessment form that asks “what one food would you like to eat in unlimited quantities?” I always answer whipped cream, but she never has a solution for me. A person just shouldn’t eat unlimited quantities of whipped cream! But I can dream about it …). Really, one cookie or slice of pie or slice of cake is adequate, especially if it’s delicious.That’s something I have to keep telling myself over and over again to avoid overeating. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. People in general have just grown used to supersize portions, cheap prices, and nutritionally lacking foods.
That’s the other annoying thing about a lot of diabetic recipes–the actual serving size. Found one recently for low carb brownies. Yea right, a pan of brownies cut into twenty-four servings, a serving for a munchkin.
I’ve found some great recipes searching low carb & gluten free sites, but they’re not billed as diabetes sites.