Wish I never had this!

Hello everybody. My name is Kevin and I'm new here.
I am just tired of everything that is involved to take care of myself and the amount of things to think about.
I like pizza, and I normally get thin crust from dominoes which doesn't affect my blood sugar that adversely but thin crust doesn't feel like real pizza to me. So I went and got a regular pizza, dual waved on my minimed pump for like 70 grams of carbs. At 3 am the next morning my blood sugar was 367 . I just wanted pizza, I wasn't asking for a million dollars .
Needless to say my sleep was interrupted b/c I had to go to the bathroom and I felt like crap the next day. Today was my dad's birthday and we went out for some Chinese food and I had chicken fried rice but they made it with brown rice. I had some cake afterwards and I took some insulin for that felt kind of tired so I took a nap. After I woke up, my blood sugar is 276. I took insulin to correct b/c I wanted to go out to a club to dance later on and I'm so tired I'm here posting this. I'm just so freaken tired of being a robot and constantly carb counting, taken in considering fat content, how much exercise I did. The amount of constant planning is freaken ridiculous

Yeah, you're right! Diabetes SUCKS, big time. It's like having a second, unpaid full-time job. But we always have to remember what the alternative is, and then decide to choose life. Not as carefree as we'd like it to be, and burnout is always lurking around the corner, but still, it's life. I'm not going to quote platitudes about how it becomes second nature, but I DO want you encourage you to work on whatever it takes to get better control, so you won't feel so rotten, and meet some of the people here who can help you. The only person who can make you feel better is yourself, and so read books, like Gary Scheiner's Think Like a Pancreas, or Dr. Richard K. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution, and join lists that talk about those things and experiment to see what you can tolerate and what you can't. I know I personally can't tolerate regular pizza, so I almost never eat it. And I also know that if I eat ice cream or cake, then I will be up all night correcting. I accept that for times when I WANT to eat those things, but I know what the consequences will be. And I accept that I DO have limitations, and then I consciously violate them when I feel like I need to or want to, and go from there. It CAN be done, but no, it's not easy. Wishing you best of luck!

Welcome to the club, Kevin! I curse this %^$#ing disease EVERYDAY! You have found one of the best "socisl media" places to stay in touch with others sharing the same affliction and sharing any new "news" on the big "D", so I encourage you to visit daily and read/research/vent or whatever. PEACE

Thank you very much Natalie. Well Said.

Thank you for the very warm welcome and it's a pleasure.

Welcome to the family, Kevin. You'll find our community -- if you haven't already -- to be a priceless source of shared experience and emotional support, and the perfect place to vent. Like now. :)

I'll just add one thing to what has already been said here: check out Riva Greenberg's books. They're easy to find on Amazon and elsewhere. She focuses on the mental aspects of managing this monster, as not too many writers do, which makes her insights especially valuable. She's also a tuD member and a really nice person, but that's beside the point . . . :)

To me the way to think about it is that, yes, you have limitations, but by controlling your disease, you are MINIMIZING your future limitations and thereby showing the Big D who's really boss.