As what I understood from the below video:
Snoring during pregnancy could develop pregnancy diabetes and after that it increases the chances of having Type 2 D !!?
May be I mess understood it! Or what!! Correct me if I was wrong! THX
There is a strong correlation between Sleep Apnea, which causes wild snoring, and T2 diabetes…maybe a connection?
Snoring chemistry is very cool. Air is important, no surprise I’m sure. The lack of O2 in blood creates complications in metabolism and freaky consequences, apparently in glucose management too.
I’m excited by this news. Dentistry can do so much for diabetics as adjunctive therapists. Don’t leave dental hygienists off your team of professionals.
Shirley Gutkowski, RDH, BSDH, FACE.
My understanding is that snoring could be a symptom of diabetes (extant or imminent), not a cause of it.
LoL, am really sorry I just laughed after reading your posts, not on what you wrote, but I had this thing that popped out of my little cluttered brain!!!
Do not women snore at all!???
And if they did that during pregnancy then BINGO diabetes on the way!!
It still does not make sense to me!!! Thanks for the input though