So I had a positive at home pregnancy test on Wednesday, which was confirmed with a blood test. This was good validation for me because my blood sugars had been driving me crazy for at least a week, despite my best efforts to keep them in check. I’ve been running a consistent temp basal of 120% and doubling my boluses, with everything still running higher and spiking after meals. Multiple times I’ve changed my site thinking perhaps that was the issue, without that making much of a difference.
The pregnancy is great news - we just started trying, so we were hopeful but not really expecting it to happen this quickly. But I’m just trying to find a way to manage this. It makes me a little nervous to have these spikes that sit at around 150-170 for two hours without budging. So I’ve started an aggressive approach of way overestimating what I think I’ll need, bolusing, and then treating the low later if it happens, to try to avoid the major spike.
I’m meeting with the diabetes educator this week and hopefully she’ll have some good guidance.
Congratulations on the pregnancy, that is great news! I am in the same situation as you. I knew i was pregnant pretty much straight away as my blood sugar went crazy. My doctor was also surprised how i knew so early on… Anyway getting by levels under control took nearly 2 weeks but have settled down now, for the most part. I am 8 weeks today. I cannot get into see my endocrinologist for annother 3 weeks.
Let me know how you get on with the educator.
Thank you so much! It’s nice to be in the same boat with you. The last few days have been much better, thankfully.
I think I’ll be meeting with my endo monthly, based on what she told me last appointment. It sounds like that’s their standard approach for pregnancy. For the CDE, I’m actually doing it virtually with Integrated Diabetes Services. They have a pregnancy retainer and it includes monthly Skype appointments and unlimited emails/texting throughout the entire pregnancy and post-partum. I liked the idea of immediate feedback and it was well worth the price.
I hope all goes well between now and your endo appointment!
Congratulations! I found my insulin needs increased until about week 8, then decreased, and have been increasing again ever since week 18 (I am 36.5 weeks now). Pregnancy will be full of these adjustments… you can do it!!
Congrats! I found out I was pregnant about a week ago, so I’m about 5 weeks now. I had spikes the first two weeks but since I have had serious lows.
In general I follow the rule of eating low-carb and not over-stressing about some blood sugars. Just breathe and approach the high like one task to do. If you overstress then you can have other bad sugars. I’m sure I’ll have some more in the future.