I dont limit sweets. I mean I don't go crazy and overboard with them, but like I love cake....so I buy the little mini cupcakes. 1 of them is about 14 carbs, so its very easy to bolus for. Also I love chocolate...but hate dark chocolate, so I buy the milk chocolate hersey nuggets...I can eat 4 of those for 20 grams of carbs...or if I just want a taste 1 for about 5 grams of carbs. I try not to deny myself what I want. If I know its something that is really going to wreck havoc on the BG levels then I try to avoid them...I can't do potatoe chips...but I don't really care for potatoe chips much anyway. It's all about serving size, and self control. If you have the discipline to limit the amount and sizes of sweets, then I think within reason they can certainly be a part of our diet, and just bolus accordingly. I do much better though when serving sizes are already figured out...like with the mini cup cakes, versus trying to cut a piece of cake and guestimating how many carbs is in that.
Heck yes! Though I'd pay for it for a good chunk of the day. Always Bolus for it though.
I say yes to a cookie when I feel " skinny " , ha ha ( and BG to not be over 7.0 ( x 18 ) . I don' eat one after I have just completed a meal ...then there does not seem to be room in the tummy .My fav at the moment : oatmeal raisin, available at our regular bistro .
Is there an answer other than yes?
I’m traveling in India right now and a lot of the meals here leave offer little in the way of low carb options, so I’ve found myself having to park my anxiety over what I’m going eat and learn how to bolus for a wide range of foods - very few of which are outlined on calorie king or live strong, etc.
My approach has been to be slightly more aggressive on my bolus and then correct with some Clif Blocks that I brought or something else that I’m very familiar with (even some milk) if I’m a bit low (I test extra if I’m not sure about my meal) - this seems to have worked well, especially with sweets (a favorite of mine here), and exercise has helped to keep me balanced even though my options - especially at breakfast - tend to be much carb-heavier than what I was eating in the states before leaving.
I’m not eating nearly as much sugar as before I was dx’ed, but I will say yes if it’s the right moment!
Would you mind sharing some of the recipes? Thanks!
Absolutely I eat sweets. I'm pregnant right now (almost done!) and it has given me a crazy sweet tooth. As I type this, I'm drinking a glass of chocolate milk (about 23 carbs, using Hershey's lite) and eating "pizzelle" cookies -- 6 are 19 g!
But I eat much worse stuff. I have eaten more donuts the past nine months than in the past nine years. My rules are these:
1) try not to do it until after lunch.
2) pre-bolus a bit, to give the insulin time to work before I eat the treat.
3) don't eat "pure sugar" stuff unless I'm low. It has to have fat and/or protein, too.
4) don't overdo it. I can typically manage one donut; two is Bad News.
Oh, and my A1c has not been higher than 5.6 since getting it under control after diagnosis.
I love baking "from scratch", particularly during the comfort food seasons (rainy outside). I use Splenda for half the sugar, particularly if nothing has to rise. I can't say no to chocolate unless there is none in the house. Unfortunately I end up crashing a lot having overestimated the carbs. Particularly if I exercise after bolusing for the goodie. I HATE IT WHEN NUTRITIONAL INFO IS NOT INCL IN RECIPE. I won't eat stuff made by others w/out the carbs #. Because I so easily crash it is "almost" not worth cheating on the sweet... Christmas or course breaks all the rules. Fudge is the worst.
I am totally hooked on Chai Tea made with Splenda. No carbs in the tea so I only have to count the carbs for the milk I mix in, usually half a carb. Good hot or cold and the milk makes me feel full and not hungry. To me it tastes like a liquid cookie!
Total yes. There are no foods that I don't eat because of diabetes. I'm reluctant to eat foods that kick in fast for breakfast, but that's it.
If I'm low, and there are cookies, why not? I might grab one or two, call each one about 5 carbs, and enjoy.
Not really a total "no" but not a total "yes" either. Kinda inbetween I guess! LOL!
Diabetes is no reason not to eat treats. I'm 17 and i still eat party food, skip meals and drink and my diabetes is fine. Actually I used to be worse a few years ago when i was monitoring everything i ate. I would frequently range between 1.5 and 25 but now my range is more like 3 to 14 and thats with eating what i want. Its all about knowing how much insulin to give your self for your treat and when you can eat it. Also dont go too overboard like dont eat a whole cake to yourself. :) but my god just one bite? i couldnt help myself i always have a piece. goodluck :)
Of course..a cookie..or share a piece of cake..but I'm from the Netherlands..and I've seen the cookies and pies in the US..and I would have to say no to your cookies..ha ha..they are huge and very sweetened..one bite is enough..
Yes, but depends on the cookie. However, like acidrock, I've more of an issues with Doritos and such. By the by....rules are made to be broken....so there!!!
Yes, because I’m just too neurotic to handle the deprivation! Mostly, it’s chocolate, and it’s got to be GOOD. Unlike my husband who will eat–and finish–anything, I’ll often stop after the first bite, deciding, “it’s not worth getting fat[ter] over.”
We have the most wonderful chocolate cupcakes where I work, but I think I’m going to have to give them up. I have tried increasing the bolus (surely it can’t be more than 80 grams of carbs?!?) and working on the timing, but nothing seems to cover it. Oh well. Guess it’s time to say it’s not worth spiking over.
Uh, yes to cookies. Are you crazy? I am a cookie-aholic.
I have recently discovered that cake should almost always be a no :( BUT... I'm ok as long as I can have a cookie now and then!
Potato chips. Rock. Period. End of discussion.
But I haven't had a single potato chip since February 10th when I was diagnosed (gasp).
Sweet potato fries are tolerable and seem to fill the void :/
LOL. Whiskey and chocolate are also food groups, right? LOL.
I would love to see a list of food groups according to Randy!
...no, I always decline politely.
Do eat low-calorie plain biscuits though ...an element of self-disipline and living off rations, this diabetes thing for me!