Hi ladies,
I’m a writer with Diabetes Forecast magazine and I’m working on a story for our big pregnancy issue. I’m looking to interview women who had pre-existing diabetes and gave birth. I’m hoping to interview one more person with type 1 and two more people with type 2–all of which had diabetes before getting pregnant. I’d be interested in how you prepped for your pregnancy, what your experience was like during it, and how things changed after.
I’m looking for moms of babies, toddlers and even older kids.
I’m on a tight deadline, so I’d be interested in talking with you ideally this week (May 6-7) or early next week (May 10-12).
If you’re available, please e-mail me at tneithercott@diabetes.org.
Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you!
Tracey Neithercott
EDITED: I’m now only looking for women who had type 2 during pregnancy. I was contacted by a ton of type 1 moms (thanks!). Any type 2 mothers willing to speak with me?!
I sent you a private message …