xDrip connection to Dexcom receiver in Galaxy S7 Edge (maybe many Mashmallow devices)

I recently upgraded to the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge – ironically, because of bluetooth connection problems with my previous handset. So… now I am having bluetooth connection problems between the handset and the Dexcom receiver using xDrip. The prenious phone was an LG V10 running Android v.5.1.1- it worked with xDrip, but was a nightmare connecting to my car’s bluetooth. This phone is great in the car, but will not connect to the Dexcom. xDrip “sees” the device when iT ry to connect to it, but never completes the connection (though sometimes, the Status screen says “connected”, even though I never get any data… The phone’s Bluetooth app indicates that the Dexcom IS connected, but the bluetooth icon on the receiver goes off almost immediately after making the connection.

I have tried some things I’ve seen on the wed, including: clearing the Bluetooth app’s cache, wiping the device cache in recovery mode, turning on full location options, granting xDrip location permission, connecting first directly on the phone instead of the app… Restarting the phone multiple times… I’m not sure what all else!!

Help, anyone?? There HAS to be a fix somewhere…

thas @ oceanTragic on twitter made this suggestion

i,ve not used xDrip app w/ Share myself but plenty have on CGMinTheCloud FB group. Have you tried there?"

Hey @thas Did you get this resolved? just wondering :slight_smile:

** SOLVED! **

As a “Stop-gap” (and in a bit of desperation, perhaps), I picked up a refurb iPhone 4S. When I tried to pair with the Share2 app, it (finally) reported WHY it failed to pair: Serial Number Mismatch! I had it off by one digit! Fixing the missing link (in my brain), the receiver paired perfectly with the S7 and xDrip.

Embarrassing, but, I’m hoping this helps the next dyslexic person who fat-fingers the S/N. :worried:


question: Does the follow app work directly on the galaxy S7, or do you have to use a work around? I have the S5, thinking of upgrading, but don’t want to upgrade out of my following capabilities.


The Follow app works on the S7 directly, yes. I have it installed, but don’t use it.

Thank you!!

I’m just now digging in and learning a little bit about xDrip. Can someone clarify for me as to if it is meant to work with only the G5 system or does it work with the G4 system also?

I’m currently working on being set up with a Dexcom, but haven’t decided on a G5 or G4 system. I have Galaxy S5, almost up to date on software. The latest update has been an issue as it’s too big and I need to go into an AT&T store and have them force it, or delete a lot of stuff and make room, or move stuff to an SD card before I can complete the software update, but it’ll happen one way or another.

xDrip does not yet support the G5; however, support is in Alpha testing. I have the G4 w/Share and enjoy using xDrip+ (an offshoot of xDrip) - there is a “testing” option in xDrip+ for the G5, but I have no idea to what degree this works.

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I have a dexcom g5. Can i get xdrip to work on my note 4? Will this get nightscout working? Or do i still need a receiver phone to connect to my dexcom with a cable?

I believe there is at least alpha versions available what will work with the G5 and android, but I have no personal experience with the G5.

How do I get a hold of these alpha version?

Cgm in the cloud community on Facebook is where this is being tested. The Alpha may be closed, but it is pretty stable, so a broader beta should be coming sooner rather than later.

Yes, xDrip DOES work with G5. It can be found at the following website:

AdrianLxM commented 13 days ago:
Hi, John’s posting about the G5 alpha test you can find here: CGM in the Cloud | Facebook

I used the original xDrip app with my G4 and loved it. This xDrip (alpha) version supports G5 and G4. I installed it on my Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and it has been working great! Actually, much better than the Dexcom receiver which loses connection frequently. I highly recommend it. This xDrip alpha version is also integrated with NightScout. I’m using my same NightScout website that I configured for my xDrip Original + G4. I didn’t have to change anything. I think this configuration (xDrip + NightScout) works better than the iPhone + Dexcom Share servers, though I have not used the iPhone version.

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Cant find the app. Can you help me please would love to try app with my G5.

Ok I got the alpha app for the G5. I have a note 4 running 6.01. How do you set up xdrip for the note 4? I have it running but it says waiting for first two readings. [quote=“Trying, post:13, topic:52251, full:true”]
Yes, xDrip DOES work with G5. It can be found at the following website:

AdrianLxM commented 13 days ago:
Hi, John’s posting about the G5 alpha test you can find here: Redirecting...

I used the original xDrip app with my G4 and loved it. This xDrip (alpha) version supports G5 and G4. I installed it on my Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and it has been working great! Actually, much better than the Dexcom receiver which loses connection frequently. I highly recommend it. This xDrip alpha version is also integrated with NightScout. I’m using my same NightScout website that I configured for my xDrip Original + G4. I didn’t have to change anything. I think this configuration (xDrip + NightScout) works better than the iPhone + Dexcom Share servers, though I have not used the iPhone version.

Yrs, I had the same experience. Try restarting your cell. Afterwards, xdrip should display the message requsting you to calibrate with two, finger sticks. Once done, you should be good to go:)

Yes that worked. I am loving it so far. No receiver. #wearenotwaiting.