REALLY hoping some people join this group! I’m currently 9 weeks and 5 days pregnant (even a little paranoid about sharing that) and just want some company during this pregnancy from people who really get what this is like for us as T1s. Already I’ve been experiencing/battling a lot and wonder what the rest of this journey will be like. Would be nice to have some fellow gals expecting around the same time to join in and just share what’s going on.
Hi little_e! I’m going to send you a pm about this…check your in-box
Hi! I remember the feeling of early pregnancy so well! I now have two healthy little ones ( 4 years old and 9 months). Feel free to write any questions!!! I know that I stressed about EVERYTHING, but in the end all went well
There is also an active group on Facebook called “Positive Type 1 Pregnancy”. I got a lot of support for TuDiabetes and that group during my pregnancies!!!
Thanks Kristin2.
Where do I begin with my dilemmas…eating has been a challenge because of the nausea and darn bagels and breads being what has quelled it (i.e. all the wrong things). I read somewhere (can’t even remember where) that insulin needs change during weeks 9-11 and you need less of it. I’m at 10 now (almost 11) and am struggling a little to avoid lows, etc. My doctor didn’t want me to change my settings in response to things right away because she said 1st trimester is very much a roller coaster and if I keep changing it she’s afraid I will just continue to bounce from high to low. I think (know) I’ve been more panicked and stressed about all this and need to calm down a little. Just paranoid I’m not doing things right during this crucial time of growth for the baby, you know? Madness. And I feel nauseous even as I type this.
Did you pump during your pregnancies?
Kristin2- is that Facebook group a private one that requires an invitation? If it’s private I’d be interested. Tried searching for it and didn’t find anything so far.