I am currently 14 weeks pregnant with my first pregnancy. I have had T1 for 26 years now. been pumping forever but currently using omnipod-love it! I have hypoglycemia unawareness so the dr wanted me to use a CGMS but my insurance wont pay for it. Lame! They have me keeping my blood sugars a little higher than their average diabetic preggo because of that which worries me a little. I test 10-12 times a day. A1C during conception was 7.6. Down to 7.2 now. At first I was scared to put anything in my mouth, but now I feel pretty good and have learned to not worry as much. Had our first ultrasound and everything looked healthy. Taking baby aspirin daily to help prevent preeclampsia. Im eating like a normal person minus pizza and ice cream weekly...maybe every once in a while but i have a hard time with that one. I am so excited about my baby! Going for next ultrasound in 4 weeks and an fetal echo in 6. Hopefully all will be good!
Have you appealed the insurance decision? Refusing to approve a CGMS during pregnancy when it is specifically recommended by your physician is beyond lame and you might have someone remind them that they are taking on substantial risk in overriding a doctor's recommendation during a pregnancy.
Remember that the last generation of diabetic mom's didn't have access to CGMS or pumps and things still worked out. Good luck with everything.
oooh! everyone loves a baby!! sorry to hear that your ridiculous insurance company wont pay for a cgm, and hope you attempt to appeal the decisiĆ³n made by paperpushers in an office who have no idea! its great that you have been able to relax more and have enough strips to test often-at least you can keep on top of bgs that way.
good luck in the coming months! enjoy your sleep now!
Congratulations, Rachel! Have you checked out the TuD Oh! Baby! group? Lots of other preggos hanging out over there chatting about our experiences.