Dear Sirs:
As delighted as I was to find the multiple invoices in my brother's mailbox, I don't think I'll be paying you
$2,500 for the upgraded pump. The reasons for this are two fold:
A. I shipped the old pump.3 weeks ago, in your OWN mailer. Via DHL. If they've lost it, it ain't my fault.(is
it?) B. I don't have a spare $2,500. And if this doesn't resolve/turn up, I'll not be able to keep this Cozmo + will have to
ship that back, thus losing original and loaner in the same transaction. Then I'll have to go back to using my
old 508 and that is going to be the absolute pits, after being spoiled by the Deltec Cozmo's features for the
past 2 years. I think I'd rather be back on shots. (almost..)
I anxiously await your swift and ominous reply.
A type 1 pumper who should have shipped the old pump back as soon as she got it and is now
in some serious legal crap
So, does mean your new adventure is about to end??? I am a bit at a loss.
BTW, did you get my voicemail while you guys were here in Orlando?
I had a similar issue, but was able to give them the serial number of my returned pump and the tracking number (it was UPS) along with the date and time they received it, which cleared it up. Did you note that info before shipping it?