A Little Getaway!

Well I ended up having a day to getaway for some most needed mommy time. I went shopping - a great stress reliever! I didn't go by myself. My sister went with me. It's always fun to go shopping with someone else that you can laugh with. Boy did we laugh. I feel refreshed to tackle the days to come.

I do admit that I constantly checked the time knowing that when the clock striked a specific hour I would be getting a phone call from my husband. He was great - he called right on cue!! Good thing or I probably would of worried!!!!! He called to let me know Olivia's blood sugar readings. A few high ones today. I wonder if her pancreas is about ready to give up. We were so good for a couple of weeks having her insulin decreased about every other day, but now we have had two days with high numbers. They have been between 250-300 amd we have followed the diet plan well. We are supposed to call the endocrinologist team on Friday, but if we have higher numbers tomorrow, I'm going to call sooner than that.

My husband did a good job today. I think he felt good about being the one who did everything. I usually do because right now I have my summers off (I'm a teacher). He is feeling more confident and less nervous giving Olivia her shots. Does this mean more little getaways in mommy's future? We will see.

Good for you! (and good for hubby!)