A Place Where Everyone Speaks Your Language!

I think T1D can feel isolating during normal times, but going through a global pandemic and dealing with managing diabetes made so many of us feel utterly alone. So, back by popular demand, this critically needed, first-of-its-kind conference for adults living with T1D, will take place September 11-12, 2021 at McMenamin’s Anderson School in Bothell, WA.

This isn’t your run-of-the-mill conference, rather a much more relaxed gathering for T1D (and their supportive others) with super engaging speakers, workshops and activities, vendor fair, and so much more! The best way I can put this weekend-long event is “diabetes camp for adults!” I have built some life-long friendships attending it in previous years, people I’m proud to call my diabuddies!

The setting at McMenamins Anderson School, on the outskirts of Seattle, is so unique, an old converted schoolhouse, it includes several bars and restaurants, a movie theater, and a really cool indoor swimming pool, beautiful gardens, and outdoor taverns with firepits! Just take a look at some of the photos!

I really hope to get to meet some of you I interact online here in person during this retreat. Please don’t hesitate to shoot me a message if you have any questions!
:blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blue_heart:

:point_right: More info and registration, here. :point_left: