A rage that needs a some input. Please?

sigh... NEVER start talking about bg numbers with hubby. He doesnt "get it."
Talk about "Mr. Logical!" Just "do whatever you need to and tell me what you want me to do." Right. Tell him "Please keep your sugar treats at work. I dont need them here and the kids need to learn to stay away from it too." Crud, I just want to teach the kids good habits now so they might not have to deal with diabetes until they are at least 90 yrs old! I dont get why he keeps bringing the stuff home. I've no idea how to get into his mind.
I'm so tired of trying to bring healthy food into the house and enough for the whole family and see me eating it... and the rest going bad because I dont eat it fast enough. I cant get others to try a new dish. All they want is bread,potatoes and pasta! UGH!!

I try to get in the kitchen to make something; but there is always a hassle to get to the kitchen equipment that I want to use.( I"m working on arranging a cupboard just for me.
I really hope I can make it stay that way.)
I even bought a couple of recipe books that are vegetarian and vegan to entice my children with pictures of yummy looking foods.
sigh... I'm really going thru a depressive state of mind about fighting with my family and my body's needs. :( I'm just not a happy camper.

What can I say different to change this situation? Will I forever have to live with a kitchen divided?

Just make me allergic to all crappy food for me! :PPP then pass me a pill that has all the nutrition that I need and make a house with no kitchen!!! That should about cover it all.

The first thing that comes to my mind is to throw out all of the junk as fast as it comes in. Treat the family to a dinner out at a “health food” restaurant. I’m sure that the kids will find things they like. So many places are working to make healthy choices into a gourmet meal. Also, if the family likes Chinese food, take them to a Vietnamese restaurant or a Mongolian grill. Make meals an adventure, and soon they’ll be looking forward to better food choices. Take it from me, I was a meat and potatoes guy for a long time until I went to the right places. Keep smiling and keep control!

To get your kids used to eating healthy stuff like veggies, I’ve got a few tricks to offer. I’m not a mum and neither do I wish to become one, but my mum did these to my brother and I when we were little and it worked!

Hide veggies in their food and slowly increase the amount of it you put in. My mum used to chop veggies up and throw it into spaghetti sauce. Fresh tomatoes, onions, carrots, mushroom, eggplant, celery, peppers, zucchini. It’s more like a vegetable stew with a light tomato base. They have have it with pasta and sausage and cheese, you can just eat it as it is. You can chop up veggies and hide them in stuff like fried rice, and casseroles too. If your kids like fried chicken, a good way to start weaning them off the stuff is to coat them in breadcrumbs but bake them. Japanese breadcrumbs called panko are good for this purpose.

Substitute potato for sweet potato which is tastier and is more nutritious, and lower GI than regular potato. And as Bentley said, if they like Asian food, try Vietnamese. It’s very light and refreshing and not too heavy on the stomach. It might be a bit carborific for you but you can still have some.

It takes time so just slowly introduce new stuff to your family.

I share some of your frustration. My hubby loves me heaps, cares about my numbers, but brings chocolate home and I always have some at night with him. I am not buying it and wouldn’t but if it’s here I can’t say no to it. I want to blame him a bit, but I also know he shouldn’t have to do without just for my sake. All the kids are grown so that’s not a problem for us, but the night time snacking is frustrating. I feel guilty if I do, and frustrated if I don’t but he has some (aside from when he’s been discrete about it). Fortunately the kitchen is my domain though!

Sending hugs!

I share some of your frustration. My hubby loves me heaps, cares about my numbers, but brings chocolate home and I always have some at night with him. I am not buying it and wouldn’t but if it’s here I can’t say no to it. I want to blame him a bit, but I also know he shouldn’t have to do without just for my sake. All the kids are grown so that’s not a problem for us, but the night time snacking is frustrating. I feel guilty if I do, and frustrated if I don’t but he has some (aside from when he’s been discrete about it). Fortunately the kitchen is my domain though!

Sending hugs!

Frankly, if my mom hid all the snack food and sugar and carbs from me as a kid, I would’ve gone crazy with overindulgence when I had the chance (at friend’s houses, etc) I think the best you can do is state your needs, and if your hubby doesn’t listen, just let him cook for himself then. You need to take care of yourself, and you can’t control other people, even your kids have their own lives and choices to make. The best you can do is provide a good example and make healthy snacks available. I know when my mom cut up all the carrots and green peppers and celery for me, and had it available and easy to grab in the fridge, I would always eat it. If If wasn’t easily available, (i.e. I had to do any work or cut teh veggies myself) I wouldn’t go for it.

And remember, your husband should know, “If MAMA AIN’T HAPPY, AIN’T NOBODY HAPPY!”

I understand your frustration,but on the other hand I myself don’t get enticed when cookies or any type of candy comes in the house.I don’t have a taste for it.Now,maybe when I was first diagnosed I did.I get the Kraft cooking book in the mail and all you have to do is sign up.It has wonderful recipes in it of things my family will eat.When you sign up you will fill out a profile and they send you a book according to your needs.