What do your guys use for pod/adhesive removal? I’ve been using only alcohol wipes since I started on the OmniPod 3 months ago, but it does not always do a very good job. Sometimes it is more painful than it should be and some times it leaves quite a bit of sticky residue on my skin.
What products have others found to be effective?
I do not use any solvent to remove the pod. I just start at one point and slowly peel the adhesive off. It has never been painful to remove and I don’t really feel any residue behind. I think sometimes the solvents (alcohol) may help leave a residue and may hurt if the adhesive causes a minor rash. I do get a small rash ring from the adhesive but an application of cortisone cream has it gone in a day or two.
I do my pod changes when I shower in the morning. I remove the pod then shower which washes the old site and ensures the new site is clean and dry.
I never had that problem like Jim said to do my site changes in the morning and use soap and water to get the residue, if any at all
Hi - Just saw your post and had to write you. Our son, Will, who is 2 is on the OmniPod. Our CDE gave us some Medi-sol Adhesive reomver pads and they work great. But you can also buy the Medi-sol Adhesive Remover Spray online and it works even better. Go to www.theratek.com and do a search for it. I just spray it on, wait a couple of minutes and then lift the pod straight up and off!! Then I clean the area with an alcohol pad to get off all the adhesive goo and put some Neosporine on the area to heal any marks the pod may have left.
Hope this is helpful!
I use Smith and Nephew Uni-solve wipes. They really work, too. They don’t sting like alcohol swabs. I put duct tape over my pod one time, and the residue was stuck after the tape came off, and I finally remembered about my uni-solve wipes, and it came off instantly!
Sounds good. Do you use the 4oz bottle, and if so, how long does it tend to last you?
By the way, my heart goes out to you. My son just turned 2 and I don’t know what I would do if my little lovable munchkin were diabetic. I just don’t know…
There is a citrus oil based product called Medi-sol that works well.
To be honest, we usually use their product called De-Solv-it because it’s less expensive & can be found at any Walmart (in the cleaning supply aisle, near furniture polish). It says on the bottle that it’s used to remove adhesive from babies’ skin in neonatal units, so it’s mild & I’m pretty sure it’s the same product. (I discovered it when I needed to remove melted crayon from an entire load of laundry & the inside of my dryer. Works great on grease stains, too!) The Medi-sol comes in an individually wrapped version that is probably more convenient if you have to do pod changes away from home.
I have to agree with Janet. De-Solv-it works the best! It’s Cheap and Available!
I use to use the expensive adhesive remover pads to remove my pods, you had to work with them, it took awhile, plus my skin would still break out with welts, rashes, etc. I have to use something to take the pods off else I break out with a horrible welts on my skin, rashes, hives, etc. So I put a few drops of De-Solv-it around the pod on the adhesive, wait a couple of minutes and the pod almost falls off itself. I believe that the first time I heard about De-Solv-it was from Janet in another thread here in the OmniPod Group and a few others talked about De-Solv-it. I was a little concerned about using it at first but now I recommend it to everyone. De-Solv-it is completely safe, it made from natural ingredients (some orange oil in it???), you could use it on babies. People even wash their hair with it. It even smells good, nice orange smell. This stuff goes a long long way, you only need a couple of drops to remove your OmniPod. Janet, I wish to thank you again for telling me about De-Solv-it. I buy my De-Solv-it at ACE Hardware, my Walmarts did not have it. You could also order it on-line. You owe it to yourself to give De-Solv-it a try!
As the originator of this thread, I wanted to update. I have tried De-solv-it and it does seem to help. However, it is a bit messy to deal with itself, dripping and then often requiring a couple of paper-towels to wipe off the solvent+adhesive mixture that is left behind.
However, I’ve found that showering is the most effective removal technique I could imagine. I’ve altered my pod-changing schedule so that I do it in mornings, right after a shower. When they’re wet, the pods pull off easily with no pain and no residue left behind.
Now, what to do with this $8 bottle of De-solv-it sitting on my shelf…
Glad to hear that you’ve found something that works!! When I use the Medi-sol on Will, I normally spray it at the top and then use my finger to spread it around the pod. I then let him play and hang out for about 5 minutes before taking it off. You are right about it getting gooey - must be some reaction with the remover.
I agree the easiest way is to take it off after showering. Before we discovered the Medi-sol I used to put Will in the bathtub and then take him out and remove it.
BTW - we always do our changes in the a.m. - - that way, if something goes wrong, we are awake to see it happening and to catch it.
Keep the De-solv-it around - you never know when someone will throw some gum in your hair…maybe your 2 year old… :+)
Take care! Susan
Thanks also for the kind words regarding our son, Will.