Pod removal

does anybody have any tips on removing the pods without taking the skin with it?

I usually try to change them after a shower and put lots of soap on the pod and run lots of water over the pod if I can. I've also had good luck using baby oil.

Uni Solve works really well.


I spray De-Solv-it (a citrus oil based solvent safe for skin) on it just before showering and when I get out of the shower, it slides right off. I use an alcohol swab to clean the skin afterwards.

I have stuff called Remove it is made by the same company that makes skin prep and it works great they just slide off

I've found that dabbing a cotton ball soaked in baby oil around the perimeter of the pod helps to loosen the adhesive.

We use Uni-Solve. It takes off the pod and also any residual sticky stuff that is left behind.

Uni-Solve is available from Diabetes Wholesale. Baby oil...nail polish remover towelettes and just plain nail polish remover. The Uni-solve is available in a form like alcohol wipes which is useful when travelling. Nail polish remover is a little drying though. I usually bathe following a removal so that fact doesn't matter much.

The instructions with the PDM say use baby oil. I tried that last time I removed a pod and found it actually worked better than finger nail polish remover. And smells a heck of a lot better.

Uni-solve like the others posted. Got mine at Walgreens (had to order it) cost about $13 for a small bottle and it last me almost a full year. Just before I change my pod wet a q-tip a few times and just moisten the adhesive tape w/ the q-tip (you can get up under the pod w/ it also) Then I start my new pod and put it on and then by the time I'm done I can usally just lift off the old Pod, use a bit more uni-solve on a napkin or paper towel and wipe off the left over adhesive....They also make nice little travel packs that I take with me on trips instead of carrying the larger bottle.
Good Luck...give it a try...it make removing much easier and less painful. ~Schmutz

Yup. Uni-solve works great for me. I used the individually packaged wipes. What a difference it makes! No more skin damage, very little marking to show where my last pod was. A BIG change.