Attention Men - What do you use when you are out to carry all your supplies/CGM/Pump

Great discussion. I currently use MDI so I only need to take my one touch ultra mini case, stuffed with spare supplies and an insulin pen, everything fits in one pocket. However I am looking into CGM and possibly pump this summer, so the suggestions that you provided will be a big help. I had not heard of spibelt or tallygear, but they look like great products and everyone that has reviewed them has had great things to say, so I think that I am going to order one of each.

My wife’s purse. Isn’t that why she carries it? hehehe ( she would kill me if she saw me write that.)

Hi mmbright. I’m the one that needs the diabetic stuff, and all that stuff + emergency food makes my purse very, very heavy. hope your wife carries a kind of unisex looking purse so that you can help out now and again! (And I’ve got several spibelts to help out as well.)

I’m only kidding. She just complains now and then when I do happen to ask her to carry it while I carry one of the kids or something. Or the luggage bags, etc. I usually go for the cargo pants, or a summer jacket. Here in Vermont you never know how cold it might get.

My wife offers her purse which is stylish and capacious but I’m sort of a control freak and prefer to haul my own gear.

Not a man, but I live in REI’s home town (Seattle) where back-packs are normal day wear.

I got a nice, black North Face bag from (where else?) REI and I literally take it everywhere, from work to parties to the Opera House to shopping at IKEA

The only irritation is that when I pick it up to take with me to the ladies room in the afternoon at work, someone ALWAYS makes a comment like “leaving already?” or “bye!” or “see you tomorrow!” LOL

Now I’m defensive – I pick it up and say. “i’m not leaving!” which startles everyone. :wink:

it’s not a man-purse, it’s called a satchel, Indiana Jones has one… ;-p

Pump gets clipped to belt, CGM goes into front pocket on the transmitter side, iphone goes in opposite pocket, gum, wallet, go in whichever front pocket.

I leave a meter in a messenger bag that I bring in to work, which I leave in my car. If we are taking the wife’s car for the day, I’ll just throw a meter in there. If we’re going somewhere away from our cars for a while, beach, NYC, etc the meter, glocuse tabs/gatorade goes in her bag.

Spiblets aren’t my cup of tea… they’re just smaller fanny packs. It’s kind of like driving a mini van… VERY practical, it’s just not for me… Well, maybe if I went camping/hiking, but not on a daily basis…

I use the term Murse for mine all the time.

I use a messenger bag. It took a long time to find something that wasn’t overly feminine and huge. It’s just a green canvas bag that fits my style. If I’m going just for a short visit or a quick shopping trip I’ll just drop my meter/remote into the girlfriends bag. Longer excursions I’ll take my murse with me with back-up supplies.

I have a Jack Bauer bag that I sometimes use, especially when on assignment.
Althought it isn’t the best on inside pockets.

Messenger bag, cargo pants/shorts or mixing it in with the kids gear I have to carry. I have always carried a backpack since I was like12, so it wasn’t to hard to move onto the manpurse/messenger bag.

Here’s what I do. I have my Dexcom in a phone holder on my belt, my cell phone in one pocket, and my PDM in the other. I put test strips in the battery compartment on the PDM and bought the lancet devices they use at the Docs office. I keep one or two of those in my pocket. If I am out for more than a day (I travel on business) I use a backpack.

I am aware that this Discussion is for Men–however–I just want to point out that cargo pants, cargo shorts and travel vests are also great for women. I highly recommend Duluth for cargo pants; Travel Smith has some nice vests.

It would be easier if it were cool to wear a Batman style utility belt...sigh...

Until then, I keep my pump in one front pocket, cell in the other, and everything else goes in a monosling backpack like this. Since I take my lunch to work most days, I just throw it in the pack and keep it in my office. I'll leave the backpack in the car and just grab my meter case if I'm going out to dinner, to a party or whatever.

My wife's purse makes a great backup sometimes. :-)

This is the Amphipod belt I use if I run > 3 miles to lug ipods, phones and carbohydrates. I think you can see the binder clip on the one pocket in the pic. I use the clip to belay my pump tubing while I’m on the go.

European Carry All… Fancy Boy! check it out at 4:45 :slight_smile:

WOW that’s a lot of stuff.

Hey … I think you forgot your wallet!! j/k … I’m sure you have a patdown routine to make sure everythings there… I know I do.

It’s annoying, and even more annoying when I’ve got my earbuds and keys and tubing all tangled up from being in the same pocket. It depends on the circumstances, but I will sometimes just forgo bringing my meter. My basal keeps me pretty stable, and because I don’t have my meter I’ll compensate by making very conservative food choices. It’s always a great feeling to come home from hours of not testing to find out that you’re @ 103. :slight_smile:

Of course, that doesn’t always happen. :confused:

Also, I bike a lot, and often carry a messenger bag to keep my lock, a book, diabetics supplies including a syringe/old bottle of insulin in case my pump gets screwy or runs out. Actually, probably about once a year or so that little old bottle of insulin and overused syringe has really gotten me out of a pinch. It’s not always fun to have in a bar, but it’s not that bad.