Baby Grant is here!

I had my baby on July 15, the same day my second son was born 9 years ago. I had him at 36 wks 3 days. My amniotic fluid was diminishing and my blood sugars were looking too exceptional. Insulin needs were decreasing, so pretty much my placenta gave out. I was also showing signs of pre-eclampsia. I was induced, but I had a successful natural birth that I wanted. Grant weighed in at 7 lbs. 13 oz. and 19 in long. He is very healthy. We did have to go back to the hospital to stay two nights because his bilirubin was at a critical level (despite successful breastfeeding, very little jaundice, and regular wet and dirty diapers). He’s fine now, and everyone in the family love him to death!

Congrats to you and your handsome little man!

Congratulations! Glad that all went well! He looks just perfect :slight_smile:


What a dollbaby!!! Congratulations!!! Did you have type 1 diabetes with your previous pregnancies? If so, did your placenta age quickly with all of them?

Congratulations! He is adorable!

Yes, I had T1 with all my kids. 1st (born 38 weeks) and 3rd (born 36 weeks) were induced due to pre-eclampsia. 2nd (born 34 weeks) my water broke early.

Thank you, ladies!

aw congratulations to you! Similar experience here. I had Pre E and little Heart had jaundice due to high bilirubin. We’re breastfeeding as well. So neat to have two babies on the same day! Congrats again!


Congratulations :wink:

How wonderful!! Congratulations on your little sweetie!!

Grant is gorgeous - congratulations!!!

congrats on baby grant! He’s lovely!

Congratulations! What a great head of hair.