Hey Madison...
Being a teen is one of the roughest times. Most of us wouldn't volunteer to be your age again, if we were paid lots of money and could do so!!! It's all kinds of hard. The brain of an adult, without the ability to make most of the choices independently.
I.V.'s are not fun, but would have sucked more without them. Had several friends been through the kidney stones. Could be worse you could be a GUY. Now that's ouch big time. Now let's share you & I...
Diabetes will not take your life. Not unless you quit. Ever have kids at school who annoy you? People you just can't stand? You can pretend all you want, but most you have to work with on projects, or P.E. you don't have to love them emotionally, you just have to cope with em. Some are not who/what you thought they were at all. Some are, and them you try and avoid. But most are ok, at least enough so you do what you must with them, and keep going. Make sense so far?
Diabetes is like those people madison. And even like your friends too. Friends are people you know all their little secrets and still love them anyway.
Because of diabetes you will take much better care of your body than most. Not insane diets, not wacko fads, but you know what's healthy and what's not. Guys your age eat like great white sharks. It's nuts what they can eat. But the strongest of them would weep like babies in meltdown mode doing what you've learned to do these last few months. Some would faint dead away, big tough guys..m yeah, NOT. You are about as weak and fragile as an atom bomb. You believe you are weak, lol you are not.
There are lots of people your age who have all kinds of problems you did not know about. Eating disorders, alcoholic parents, std's, baaaad relationships ...its a pretty long list. You know and can do things about diabetes. You are smart, articulate and damned mature. You're here aren't you madison??
You've got hundreds of brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles here. Every single one of us, ALL of us understand exactly where you are at, we have been there too. Some of us feel exactly like you do now. We get it, because we are you.
Hawaii is gorgeous but won't solve squat. Last I checked diabetics exists there too. And if not, your plane's gonna be filled by a bunch of us ggg. Diabetes is not winning period. If it were you would not be here explaining the issues this expertly kiddo. There are hundreds of us here who would reach through your screen and give you a hug. Some of us would drag your butt outside to do something you love doing and PROVE that you are not dead, neither are we.
You do not need rainbows and kitten diabetes madison, you just need to live, to stay alive. That's not diabetes, that's just life. It's hard to do sometimes.
You want to quit, you gotta get by US, your peers to do it. How long have I been a T1? How long has Richard157? You can't swing a stick around here without hitting
Someone with 20, 30, 40+ years. Women, men... families, lives.
You wanna "quit" get by us first ok?
P.s. btw For a young woman who has "quit", you Write very @5#/_!-;"h[©£{\%¡ well.